Chapter 14: Mia

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After Mia, talked to Harlow outside....

"How did it go?", Scarlette asked as soon as I came in the room.
"It went fine, she didn't even care", I shrugged
"What do you mean she didn't care?", Scarlette asked sitting up in the bed
"I told her and then we changed the subject. It was the weirdest thing."
"Well everyone griefs in differents ways."
"Yeah I guess your right."

After me and Scarlete talked, I layed down on her lap and started scrolling through Instagram. When I got bored of that I decided to scroll through tiktok. I got bored again so I put my phone up, since it was only at 15%. I sat up next to Scarlette and leaned my head on her shoulder. I watched the trash reality tv show she was watching. After about 3 episodes of the T.V. show my phone started to ring. I looked at the phone and saw that it was at 5% with the contact name "Sister Sammy" on the phone. I showed my phone to Scarlette with a shaking hand. Scarlette looked at the phone and nodded to comfort me. I pressed accept and answered the phone.

"Hello?", I asked quietly
"Mia? Is that you?" The voice answered
"Yeah? Who is this?"
"It's me Samantha. Obviously"
"But I-I got a message that you died."
"I don't know why. I'm at your house where are you?"
"I'm in Florida"
"Oh. Do you mind if I stay in your house until you come back?"
"U-um no. I don't mind. There's no food though."
"Ok. I'll get some food! Have fun ok?"
"Um o-ok."
"I love you."
"Yeah. I love you too."
"Bye.", I said confused.

After I hung up the phone, I plugged it in and fell back on the bed. I didn't understand what the hell just happened. Scarlette wrapped her arms around me. I layed there for a couple minutes before I got a notification on my phone. I got up and checked my phone.

Hey Mia.

Who the fuck are you

Who knows

Leave me alone

Fine. But your regret that
see you at your house.


I know where you are.
*1 image attached*

Please don't. Leave me alone.

Maybe. Maybe not.

*xxx-xxx-xxxx has been blocked*

I turned to Scarlette and started crying. The thought of someone coming to our house and hurting everyone I loved was too much for me. I walked to the bathroom and locked the door. I looked at my self in the mirror and started breaking down even more.

TW: Panic attack, self harm mention and needle (Will be in italics)

I slid down the door until I was on the ground. I curled my legs into my chest and wrapped my arms around them. I started looking around the bathroom, while I was crying, until my eyes locked on a sewing needle on the floor. I picked up the needle and started to bring it closer to my skin. I slowly pressed the needle to my skin until I heard Scarlette walk over to the door.

"Mia. Are you ok in there?", Scarlette said knocking on the door lightly. 

I tried to answer her questions but just started breaking down even more. I felt my chest start to get tight, I felt like the world around me was starting to crumble down. I tried to calm myself down but just made it worse. My breathing started to speed up, and I was starting to grasp for air. I heard Scarlette knock again outside the door.

"Mia. Mia come on I need you to open the door. Ok?", Scarlette said lightly.

I couldn't open the door. I didn't want to open the door. No matter how much I tried to open the door my brain wouldn't let me. All I wanted was for Scarlette to hold me in her arms. I started crying again. Through my tears I heard a slight door opening sound.  

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