Chapter 7: Harlow

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I woke up to a text message from Mia....

Shawty Bae😍


Bradys taking us to florida
on thursday so i can see scar




I couldn't believe that I was going to be going to Florida. I got up from my bed and started looking for my suitcase. I found it in the back of my closet, and opened it. As I opened the suitcase, a rush of memories came at me. I remembered the last time I traveled, was with Liam. I reached into the bag and grabbed a piece of paper from the bottom.  I shakily opened the paper and read the words out loud, eventhough there was no one around me.

Goodmorning my love,
I hope you enjoy New Yotk, I had to leave early this morning for work
but I will be back later with lunch. I love you so much. This trip is going to be so special.

I remember the trip so vividly now. I hated every minute of that trip. It was when we broke up, he saw a text mesaage from Alex saying goodnight and he lost it.


"What the fuck is wrong with you? Your such a whore! Your literally cheating on me when all I am is good to you?", Liam said yelling
"Alex is just a friend, I've known him forever", I said in tears
"Yeah, that's what they say in every movie ever and then the girl is always cheating. I knew I should've left you at home"
"Women are supposed to stay at home and only interact with their partner, but I decided to be nice and let you go out. And this is how you repay me."
"I didn't even-"
"Shut up Bitch. I don't want to hear it go to the car."
"That's not the proper way to talk to me."
"Yes sir", I said walking to the car with my bag behind me

(Flashback over)

That was the last day I saw Liam. He yelled at me the whole car ride home, dropped me off at my house, and left California. I grabbed the note and through it against my door. I stood up and walked to the bathroom. I realized I was crying that whole time, my face was red from the tears. I washed my face and walked back to my bed. I started to tuck myself back into bed when I heard my front door open. I grabbed a pair a scissors that was sitting on my nightstand and walked out into the living room. I slowly stepped out of my room and saw a figure sitting on my couch. As I got closer I realized it was Alex. I dropped the scissors and ran into his arms.

"What the fuck are you doing here?", I asked laughing
"I heard about you going to Florida, just wanted to tell you I was coming too." Alex said pushing a strand of hair behond my ear
"You could've just texted you know. You didn't have to break into my house."
"I wanted to say it in person. And it's not breaking in if I have a key."
"Shut up.", I said hugging Alex once again.

Before I knew it I woke up once more. Great. Another dream about Alex, god why can't I just get him out of my head? And then I felt a movement. Then I realized I was on the couch, in Alex's arms. Stupid fucking butterflies of course. He's your friend. Just your friend. You can't love him. You've known him forever. I tried to tell myself over and over. But it didn't matter how many times I repeated it my urge to reach up and kiss Alex wouldn't go away. I closed my eyes again to distract myself, and must've fell back asleep because I woke up again to Alex getting off the couch. I slowly sat up as my eyes met up with his.

"Can I ask you something?", Alex asked
"Um sure.", I said
"How do I ask someone out?"
"How would I know?", I said laughing
"I don't know, I want to ask out a girl and your a girl."
"Oh your serious about this?"
"yeah", He said quietly
"Well just tell her how you feel being straight forward is the best way to win a girl's heart. It shows bravery. Is that what you want?", I said
"Oh thanks, I've gotta go are you good here?"
"Yeah I'm fine.", I said hugging Alex again

As he left it felt like a piece of me was gone. God I hate feelings.

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