Chapter 10: Mia

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Today was the last day of driving. We had about 4-ish hours left of the drive. Alex and Harlow were closer than ever (literally, like they were basically crushing each other). Mario and Ravon had finally decided to act like actual adults. Larri broke the AUX cord somehow so instead of whatever Larri chose, we were listening to some hit music radio station. I layed back in my seat and closed my eyes. I was listening to my playlist in my ears and finally felt sort of relaxed. Only 4 more hours. And then I can see my girlfriend. I decided to sleep to pass time quicker. The last thing I remember is hearing the start to a Billie Eilish song, and then falling asleep. I woke up to Harlow shaking me awake. I looked out the window and saw an array of bright flowers and palm trees. Florida. I grabbed my purse from the floor board and jumped out of the car. I grabbed my phone and hid on the side of Scarlette's house. I called Scarlette...

(Scarlette ,Mia)

Hi Scar!
You should really happy.
That's because I am.
Aw I'm happy for you babe. I miss you
I miss you too.
(I decided to ring the doorbell)
Hold up someone just rang the doorbell

Scarlette opened the door and almost dropped her phone.

"Babe?", Scarlette said with tears forming in her eyes
"Hi", I said, pulling Scarlette into a hug
"What are you doing here?", Scarlette said wiping away a couple tears.
"You said you missed me." I laughed

After me and Scarlette had our reunion, everyone else walked to the door. Everyone hugged Scarlette and then we had a group hug.

"We can all stay in the guest house for the time that you guys are here.", Scarlette said after our hugs
"Ok that will work.", Brady said

We all walked to the car and grabbed our bags. Scarlette led us to the guest house and gave us a little tour. There were 3 bedrooms, and a pull-out couch. The guest house was basically as big as my house. There were 2 and a half bathrooms, a fully furnished living and lounge room, a full kitchen, and a beautiful garden out back. This place was absolutely beautiful. After the tour of the majestic place, Scarlette went back to her actual house to talk to her parents and grab some snacks and stuff. She came back with a few bags filled with food, she placed them on the counter and walked outside to get blankets and pillows. I could tell something was off with her, she seemed upset almost. Like she was about to cry. After she brought in everything she texted me, even though she was in the same room.   


Can you meet me outside in the garden?

Um sure what's up?

We need to talk

Shit. That was definitely not what I wanted to read. I nodded at Scar and walked outside to the garden. I tried to mentally prepare myself before Scarlette walked outside. Two words: Didn't. Work. 

"Look whatever I did, I'm sorry I love you so much and I don't want to lose you.", I blurted out, covering my mouth after
"What?", Scarlette laughed
"Fuck. You didn't mean that kind of talk did you."
"No, did I make you think that? Aw I'm sorry.", Scar said pulling me in for a hug
"It's okay Scar you're fine, I overthink to much.", I laughed
"Wait. Did you say the "L" word?"
"Um. I guess I did."

Scarlette didn't say anything after that. She just pulled me towards her by the neck of my shirt and crashed her lips into mine. I felt her face start to heat up and assumed mine was too. We stayed there with our lips connected for what felt like a life-time. When our lips parted we were both all smiles. Scarlette's cheeks and ears were bright red. We were both just staring at each other blankly. I pulled Scarlette into a hug. I pulled her in closer to me, burying my head into her chest.

"We should probably get back inside.", Scarlette said rubbing my back
"Do we have too?", I said whining 
"Yes, we can't live out here.", Scarlette giggled
"Ugh fine.", I sighed
"I love you", Scarlette said placing a kiss on my forhead
"I love you more.", I said getting off of the bench we were sitting on.

We got up and walked over to the back door of the guest house. When we walked inside everyone was sitting in the living room watching something on TV.

"Took you too long enough out there.", Mario said laughing
"Shut up Mario, not everyone can cuddle up to their partner whenever they want.", I laughed
"What are you talking about? I'm single.", Mario blushed
"Yeah and so are Alex and Harlow right?", Scarlette said laughing
"Huh, we're not dating.", Alex and Harlow said at the same time

We all started laughing for like 5 minutes. After we all got over our laughs, we all decided to get some food.

"So what do you guys want?", Scarlette asked.
"In-N-Out?", Brady said
"We aren't in Cali anymore.", Larri said
"Oh fuck, you're right.", Brady laughed
"We could just go to the grocery store and cook something.", Harlow said
"That sounds like a better idea than fast food.", I said
"Yeah that works.", Ravon said
"Girls pick the food though", I said
"Why?", Alex asked
"Because we want real food, not shit.", I said
"Fair.", All the guys said at the same time

Harlow went into her and Alex's room, and me and Scarlette walked into ours. We decided to pick each other outfits, because why not. Scarlette picked out an outfit for me from her closet and I picked her an outfit out from my closet. I decided to pick out something that Scarlette would never wear. Scar's sense of style was more bright and preppy, while mine was more dark and gothy, I guess. So I decided to pick this for Scar...............

I handed my outfit to Scarlette and she handed me hers

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I handed my outfit to Scarlette and she handed me hers. It seemed like we had the same idea, because Scarlette picked a really preppy outfit. It didn't look to bad but it definietly wasn't my style. I put the outfit on in the bathroom and looked in the mirror. The color looked nice I had to admit, and as much as I hate to say it, I liked it. I decided to take a picture of the outfit................

@Mia_love- @SimpForScar picked my outfit today

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@Mia_love- @SimpForScar picked my outfit today. What do we think?

@SimpForScar- More gorgeous than I thought
- @Mia_love - <3 ily

@yser34- You look gorgeous

@User_USA- Would look better if u were straight


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A/N: Sorry I've been slacking, been dealing with some shit. Wanted to make a long chapter for you guys, gals, and nonbinary pals. Another chapter out soon hopefully!- XOXO Kaity

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