a second date

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Ludwig's POV I was in my room about to ask Lucy out on another date so I walked up to her hey Lucy what's up oh nothing much and you oh um just wondering if you would love to go on another date oh sure ok cool thanks Lucy aw welcome Ludwig. 

*15 minutes later *  after they both got finished getting ready for their day and after they got to where their date takes place. 

Lucy's POV Ludwig had taken me to the movies we were watching a romantic movie I smiled a little  a little bit after the movie finished Ludwig took us to a restaurant we both sat down at a table and started eating . 

a *few minutes later after the date *. they both went back to Bowser's castle. 

Ludwig's POV I smiled a little Lucy gave me a hug I smiled and blushed a little so um how was the   date oh it was amazing oh really yes Ludwig aw ok cool thanks Lucy welcome Ludwig.

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