Chapter Five

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"The best revenge is living well."

✍Jerry Seinfeld,

After Anna walk off away from the parents victim, leaving her two companion. She didn't know where her feet lead her, she just walk around aimlessly into the hallways path of the hospital and at that time she halted her feet of moving on when she saw a child getting scold by her mother.

"You ungrateful brat! You've cost me a lot of money wasting it all for you?!" the woman's eyes was wide with rage as she keep hitting the little girl.

Anna turn her head around, scanning the whole area for someone to help the child, but surprisingly she was the only one who saw what's happening... or more like everyone's ignoring the scene. There's people passing by though no one bothered helping they just stared but then walk off like they didn't even see someone abusing a child. Like it's normal this days.

She wanted to laugh sarcastically. My goodness! what is happening to the world?!

Her eyes widen when the mother had slap her child so hard that the impact couldn't even handle by a single person such as a child barely ten.

"Hey!" Anna couldn't stand it. She took off and crouch from the ground to help the little girl to stand up. "Are you okay, hon?"

The little girl's side of the lip was bleeding, a small cut was visible to Anna's eyes. She glared at the woman who was looking down at her, frowning.

"Oh, great. Here comes wonder woman." she snarled.

"You don't have to be so harsh on her, she's just a child." she stated, placing the little girl behind her, hiding her from her mother's glaring eyes.

The woman's painted red lips pursed in pure distaste. "Do i look like i care?!"

"Then my apologies if i mistook you into one," Anna look at her in utter displease. "... however, it was very obvious that you resemble a greedy mistress more ... my eyes seems the error of all this misunderstandings, so sorry."

"Why y-

"Anna, what's happening here?"

Anna ignore Mikey's curious look he was giving her.

"Oh, great... more have come!" the mother snarled.

"Don't worry, i'll compensate for what you are lacking now. Here!" she grab her sling bag, opening it and took some cash before tossing it to the woman carelessly, some she had, some fall on the ground. As a person like her who has no self-worth... she was picking the money on the ground with no shame, in fact her look was far from being one. The woman was grinning, though...


"Hope it that'll clear our imbroglio, now... come honey. Let's get you treat that wound, okay." the little girl just bowed her head and shook.

Anna frowned upon seeing the little girl closer. Her legs and arms are wrap in fresh bandages also her face has so many scratches fresh and old ones.

By god! what have they've done to this poor child.

"I- i can't." the little girl's voice quiver.

The Villain's Deliverance :: Mikey|Manjiro Sano/Tokyo RevengersWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt