Little Town

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~Will's point~

I stepped out of my house and began to walk into the village. I lived in a small and quiet village that is it was quite untill I would walk in, day in and day out I would hear them talk about me and today was the same as every day before.
As I walked into the streets of the waking village they all began to say good morning and talk amongst themselves.
"Look there he gos the strange boy"

"I woulder if he's feeling well"

I did my best to ignore them like all ways. I looked over at the bakery and saw the Baker outside and walked up to try and talk to him

"Good morning, Will"
He said as will walked up

"Morning, monsieur" I replied with a smile

"Where are you off to?"

"The bookshop. I just finished a amazing medical book, about…"

The Baker gave me a look and turned away
"That’s nice…Marie, I need the baguettes! Hurry up!!"

I sighed and walked away
"That's fine, it's not like I wanted to talk. And my mom bakes better then you. Ok that's was a little rude Will"
I thought. I still tried to ignore the village as I walked but it was hard and I found myself listening to every word they said about me as I walked.

"His never put of any crowd"

"I heard that's because he likes other guys"

"He's a funny guy that's for sure"

"There must be more than this provincial life" I thought as I arrived as t the book store and walked in.

"Hey, Will"
The librarian said as I walked up to her.
She had blonde hair and gray eyes, her father owned the bookstore but was never there so she basically ran the place.

"Good morning Annabeth. I’ve come to return the book I borrowed."
I said setting the book down on the counter

"Finished already?" She smiled.
I couldn’t put it down! It's a book about   medicine, do you have any new medical books?
"Sorry" she laughed
"Not since yesterday. But..." she walked to a back room and came back with a simple looking book and handed it to me
"How about trying this one?"

"What's it about?" I asked

"Oh, Far off places, swordfights, magic spells, a prince in disguise"

"That sounds nice, I guess" I tried to sound enthusiastic but the last thing I wanted to read about was a love story about a man and a woman. She seemed to notice I wasn't to intrested and leaned over to whisper in my ear

"You know in chapter 3 the main character meets prince charming but he doesn't discover that it him until chapter 3"

"Look I..."
I stopped my face turning a little red as I realized what she just said.
"Did you just say HE discovers that HE'S prince charming?"

She winked and handed me the book
""You can keep it no one reads it, well I read all the books but that's beside the point"


"I insist"

"Thank you, really thank you!"
As I started to walk out a man with black hair and green eyes walked in. He then walked over to Annabeth and kissed her cheek. He's name was Percy and him and Annabeth had been courting for as long as I could remember.

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