Making a Deal

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~Drew's point~

I sat at a table in a semi lit room, next to me was my father. Sitting across from us just the man I needed to make my plan work and in front of him on the table with a stuffed bear. In his hands his twirled a dagger. He was sitting far enough back that I couldn't quite make out his face.

"I don’t usually leave the asylum this late at night, but I was told it would be worth my while." The man said

I looked at my father and nodded towards the man. He pulled out a coin bag and tossed it to him.
The man opened the bag, took out a coin and examined it to make sure it was real before placing it back it the bag.

"Aah, I’m all ears."

"So I’ve got my heart set on marrying Will Solace, but he won't give me the chance."

"Yeah, she tried asking him and he turned her down flat!"
I hit my father upside the head to shut him up and continued.

"I think he just needs a little persuasion.

We all know his mother's a lunatic. When they first got her she was convinced she was married to a man that knew the future, and then just the other night she was in the tavern raving about a ghost like man in a castle…"

"Naomi is harmless."

"Yes, but the point is, Will would do anything for his mother to keep her from being locked up."

"Yeah, even marry her!" My father said pointing at me. I gave him my best warning glare and he cowered.

"So let me get this straight, you want me to throw his mother in the asylum unless he agrees to marry you?"
I nodded in agreement.

"that is absolutely despicable. I love it!"
He said taking his knife and stabbing the stuffed bear on the table.

~Naomi's point~

I went around to all the animals and made sure they had plenty of food and water, I wasn't sure how long I was going to be gone. But if no one in town was going to help me then I had to do something myself. After I was done with the animals I went inside, got some paper and wrote a quick letter.
I then packed up and headed into town, if I didn't tell them everything there maybe there was someone who could at least deliver the latter for me.
As I got to town I went to the library and knocked softly trying not to draw to much attention. It took a minute or two but soon a young blonde woman with gray eyes opened the door. She looked shocked to see me which I couldn't blame her since it was around 10 at night.

"Um- hi you know Will right?"

"Yeah he comes by all the time to buy medicine books, your his mother Naomi right? Is something wrong?"

I thought about telling her everything for a moment but after everything in the tavern the other night I didn't want her to think I was crazy and not help me.

"No everything's fine"
I lied, she didn't look convinced but didn't question me either.

"I just wanted to know if you could help me with something. Will has told me a little bit about you and-....before you moved here did you by chance know Apollo?"
She looked at me and I could see the wheels in her head turning as she tried to figure out what was going on.

"Not well, but yes"
I pulled out the latter I wrote and held it out to her.

"Do you think you could find him and deliver this to him?"

"I can't leave the shop un-"

"Please!" I cut her off "it's really important"

"Something's wrong with Will isn't there? It's ok if you don't want to tell me"
She took the latter
"I can't leave, but I can ask my boyfriend Percy if he can deliver this, besides he knows Apollo a little more then me"
I pulled her into a tight hug, tears falling down my cheek.
"Thank you so much!"

"It's not a problem"

I let go and began to walk away, as she closed the door.
I looked back for a moment and saw her came out in a gray cloak and walk down the street latter in hand.

"Now to find that castle" I thought and headed to the road leading out of town.

~Drew's point

I walked into the Solace house and looked around calling there name but got no reply.
"Well I guess there not here, so it's not going to work after all."

I grabbed my father by the collar of his shirt and pulled him to me.
"Don't leave until Will and his mother come home!" I let him go
"We'll be ready when they do"

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