The West Wing

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~Will's point~

I walked down a hallway lined with doors and noticed that one of the doors had a soft light coming from the small crack at the bottom. I walked to the door took a deep breath and slowly opened it.
As I walked I found myself in a bedroom. The floor had dust at the edges but there where define lines without dust showing signs that someone walked in a lot. I made my way further into the room taking in everything on the right was a bed with two nightstands completely covered in dust to my left I saw a where a portrait had once hung on the wall next to a portrait that was sliced with half of the portrait it's self hang down. I pushed it up so I could see the whole thing and saw that it was a portrait of a family of 4  a mother and father with there two kids a girl and a boy. my eye fell on the boy. he looked like he was around 10-12 years old, he had olive skin with dark hair and his eyes were a dark deep brown. I let the portrait fall back down and continued walking. I walked up to a long double windowed doorway with a single table in front of it. On the table I saw the picture that was missing from the wall, it was a portrait of the Daughter from the family portrait on it was a dryed rose, next to the portrait
Was a silver mirror and in the middle of the table was a glass case with a rose in it. I stared at the rose, it was floating a couple inches off the table and petals lined the entire bottom off the case and the rose it's self had only a few petals left on it. Without thinking I reach over and began to lift the case off the rose.

~Nico's point~

I was laying in bed on the edge of sleep when I heard loud singing. "Great" I thought nothing was worse then tried to sleep in a old castle late at night, noise carried to well.
I throw my pillow over my head and tried to drown out the noise. I wait a few minutes before it get to be to much and I pulled the pillow away. Right as I was about to get up the singing stopped so I plopped back down

"I'm going to kill them" mumbled to myself. But right now I just wanted to sleep so killing my friend would have to wait till morning. I curled up tightly in my bed and closed my eyes, it took awhile but I started to drift off again when I heard foot steps and bolted up.
I got out of bed I grabbed a cloak laying next to the bed to cover up a little since I have only my night pants on, I did grabbed my sword at went over to my door.
I popped my head out of my room and looked around and I froze when I saw the door before mine open.
Anger boiled up inside of me as I walked over to the room. I looked in and saw Will moving the glass case and snapped. I ran over and grabbed the case from his hands and softly placed it back down, I then turned to look at Will

"Why are you in here?!" I growled angrily

Will looked up at me terrified, he slowly backed away.
"I'm-I'm S-Sorry"

"I told you it was forbidden to come here!"

"I didn’t-I didn't mean-"

"Do you realize what could have happened?! What you could havedone?!!" I cut him off

"Please!" He begged as I throw one of the end tables at him

"GET OUT!!!!" I scream.

And he ran out of the room.
I sat down on the ground and tried to compose myself when I heard the front door slam shut.
I was about to just let him go before I remembered how dangerous it could be at night because of the local wolves. I quickly ran after him.

~Will's point

I ran to the front door grabbed a cloak and a coat rack and opened the door.
Leo and Jason came running after me trying to ask me where I was going and telling me to stay but I didn't listen and ran out the door.

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