Chapter One

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Arianna Elinor O'Brien was a beautiful young woman with the world full of opportunities. Her life had been blighted her condition Cerebral Palsy peremently trapped in a manual wheelchair, she dreamed of being a soldier in the army but that all went out of the window because of this condition.

Though it was a mental strain to stay seated all the time she pushed herself to walk again and again using her sticks.

Physiotherapy never helped her because she knew the truth the condition could never be cured no matter how many physio sessions she may have had as a child or as young adult.

Arianna was 26 now and she had made her way in life her own life she had her own apartment specially designed for her.

Arianna was thankful that she had friends within the apartments she had one called Holly Rose.

Holly Rose was beautiful with long blonde hair and ocean blue eyes, yet she was still like Arianna single couldn't understand why holly hadn't caught anyone's attention yet.

The neighbours were all very nice to her  wherever she wanted to go theyd take her especially holly.

Holly Rose's job was a carer for those complicated disabilities so she knew the difficulties that her best Ari was facing day in day out.

Arianna wasn't really that into the nightlife of london she'd seen it on telly but that was about it.

When she was younger it was just her and her mother Maria after her dad left her because he did not want to stay and help raise his disabled child.

This week, had been one of hell for Arianna all she wanted to was curl up and stick her head in a book because she knew at least they don't judge you.

Arianna had long chestnut dark brown hair with long eyelashes and ocean blue eyes quite different to Holly.

Even if she did go out shed see someone with a suite on and sit in her chair going to work thinking " I wish that was me"! Arianna had tried to apply for jobs before but everytime she tried .... she kept getting knocked back so she just gave up.

It was funny because all of Arianna's old school friends had gotten married and had kids however she hadn't and it upset her that the perfect life that she was supposed to have been given was tossed away and discarded like a piece of old metal.

So, here she was wheeling herself around London's streets seeing the sights she had seen a thousand times before. She got a sinking feeling that when she saw a couple together she used to look down and wheel on as if nothing had happened as if she had never seen them.

And yet, she had been having these wierd dreams of a young handsome man seeing her in a wheelchair in a night club to her he was definitely handsome he was dressed in an expensive suite.

The young man dressed in this expensive suite almost didn't seem to mind that she was in a wheelchair or low down (because he was near 6ft tall) with extremely good looks.

Every night Arianna would have this dream about this expensive tall , handsome good looking man looking at her smiling. Though Arianna knew it was just a dream .... that it would never come true.

It was nearing the weekend and Arianna was thankful for that she had had enough applying for jobs and getting thrown back because she wasn't able enough. Or was it the fact that she was wheelchair bound?

Arianna asked herself " why are people so prejudiced against disabled people"?

Holly had got the day off from work so she and Arianna had arranged a lunch date but it was surprise holly wasn't telling Ari Elinor O'Brien nothing.

It was 11.00 Friday morning when Holly knocked on the door of Arianna's apartment.

" Hey! You ready"? Asked Holly smiling.

To which Arianna repiled " you betcha I am"!

The two young women talked about everything apart from job hunting.

" So Holl! Have you found the one yet"? Asked Arianna as they drove into Central London.

" God no .... not yet you know how allsive you cannot find him"! Holly smiled back to her.

" Oh yeah I know that one! My mum once told me that you have to wait for the one to come to you.... Hum! Easy for her to say"! Breathes Arianna.

" What's your type then"? Holly asked.

" Tall,dark and handsome..... erm and rich"! Arianna answers smiling mischievously.

" Oh so you're looking for someone with a title then hum"! Holly suggested

" no not necessarily"! Arianna returned.

" Just because hes rich he doesnt have to be a Prince or even a Duke"! Arianna pointed out to holly.

" Ooh I see but he has to be a millionaire"! Holly joked.

" again no not nessicarly if he is handsome and good looking and is gentleman then yes I might consider it"! Arianna pointed out.

" Ooh like a certain prince your fascinated with"! Holly joked again to her smirking.

" As I've already Holly cut in " not necessarily"!

They both said the next word in unison.

" Exactly"! They chanted.

Holly and Arianna were travelling though contested london Arianna staring out of the window watching the busy folk of london go about their lives when she was trapped in hers.

In her dreams she could very escape the entrapment of being " a disabled young woman" in a wheelchair.

All Arianna O'Brien ever wished that somebody would see her as a completely different person ..... a normal person not someone who is " trapped" in a world where or of which she cannot control neither can doctors or physios.

In her dream she imagined how understanding this Guy was how natural he was toward her he didn't even have to ask about her condition because she had explained that to him.

" My dream Is a foolish uncontrollable fantasyland"! She thought to herself.

Holly and her were sat in the car travelling the Leicester square hotel where they were going to have lunch.

But Arianna's mind wasn't on the food she was going eat at the hotel her mind was focusing on the world outside of the
car window. She thought sadly to herself " why is it I'm stuck like this everyday when they get to lead a normal life go to work etc"! Holly must have heard her thinking because she turned to her then and smiled ....

" Hey you! Cheer up .... what's wrong"? Asked Holly.

Arianna shook her head nonchalantly and answered with a smile " nothings wrong holl I'm fine honestly"!

" I know that's not true I know you if you're having one of your down days I can always cancel and we can arrange another lunch date"! Holly suggested.

" I've told you holl! I'm fine ... stop panicking"! Ari repiled with a smile.

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