Sam Returns

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Murray was able to move around again. 

He was alright. 

"Murray! You're okay!" Charles Wallace squealed.

"I'm okay" said Murray.

Then his expression darkened.

"Are you okay?" said Greg.

"We never should have left Medieval Madness without Sam" said Murray.

"Murray" said Xiao Xi Gua.

Murray picked up the panda and squeezed him tight.

"My little darling... as soon as we get back to our right size, I have to take you home." said Murray.

Xiao Xi Gua started to tear up.

"I'm sorry, Xiao Xi Gua. It's not your fault. It's mine. It's all mine" Murray cried.

He put Xiao Xi Gua down and ran off. 

Pegasus found him and nudged him.

"Huh? Oh. Hey, Pegasus. "rest and be cared for". Well, who's gonna care for Sam?" said Murray.

Jeannie appeared and said "Don't discourage yourself, Murray dear. I believe you are worried about your Sam. And what Rudy could do to her. And in reality, you love Xiao Xi Gua as much as you love her" 

"How do you know?" said Murray.

"In Tales of the Arabian Nights, we see things not as they seem, but as they are" said Jeannie.

"I'm afraid I don't understand" said Murray.

"Well, Murray... I guess the best way to fight Rudy and rescue Sam is to find the unseen" said Jeannie.

"The unseen?"

"Yes. All seen things are temporary. All unseen things are eternal" said Jeannie.

"I see! So... I love Sam. But love is invisible but it still lasts" said Murray.

"Exactly. Love is something Rudy's power does not have. He has never understood or taken time to find the unseen" said Jeannie.

"You got that right" said Murray.

"Murray!" a familiar voice called out.

Murray stood up and saw Sam running to him.

"Sam! You're okay! I thought I lost you" Murray sobbed.

"Look at that, Murray. Your love has brought her back to you" said Jeannie.

"Who's that?" Sam said.

"This is Jeannie the Genie. She healed me when Rudy zapped me" said Murray.

"Oh, it wasn't Rudy that zapped you. It was Electra here" said Sam.

"Yes. And I am SO sorry, Murray. I was just doing what Rudy told me to do" said Electra.

"Trust her, Muzz. She's just like us. Please believe her" Sam said.

"I do, my lovely. But the word of the Red Wiggle and Peter Pan's sister will probably convince few others" said Murray.

Just then there was a flash of lightning.

"What was that?" said Murray.

"I believe Rudy has found out that Electra helped Sam escape and he is peeved" said Jeannie.

"We need to do something!" said Murray.

"And we will. But how?" Sam said.

"Wait. I know!" said Murray.

"What are you planning, Muzz?" Sam said.

"I have an idea. You with me?" said Murray.

"You bet" Sam agreed.

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