Sneak Peeks for The Babysitter

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So... as some of ya may have guessed, 'The Babysitter' (TB) is my main story atm and I'm kinda obsessed with the characters....

I wanna keep working with them, so there's a ghost book and a sequel as of the present.

And in the future? I'm planning a prequel AND another sequel, because missions :3

Oki. TB 3 will take place on a made up version of Polus. The crew will be three times as large, because.... logic. (Oki, it's because I don't wanna have to kill the main characters off TwT)

Anyway. I've barely started TB 2 but I have planned out most of TB 3. And I rarely plan anything.

So ya could say I'm kinda excited for it :3

Basically.... does this even count as a sneak peek? Well maybe. I guess I wanted to share my ideas or something ;-;

Oki, bye-

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