InferKit - Jeff

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Umm.. shout-out to AlyssaByssKitty12 for um, mentioning this InferKit thing.. it's amazing but also I'm a lil freaked out haha XD

So basically you put in some text and it generates some story for you... I'm mildly terrified.

I used the intro from my "School For Killers" book, and uh... here is the glorious writing. (I'll put my input in italics)

I looked down at my brother. The only person I'd really ever cared about.

The person who I'd just killed.

"Go to sleep" I had whispered just seconds before, as I plunged the knife into his chest, watching as he struggled to take a breath, beginning to choke on his own blood.

That's when I snapped out of it, glancing down at the bloody knife in my hands, which I quickly let go of, stumbling backwards.

What have I done?

"I.... Liu.... I'm sorry...." I sobbed, watching in horror as the blood continued to pour from his wound, soaking through the blanket and into the mattress. Okay okay okay... think, Jeff, think!

I raced into the other room with the corpses of both my parents and picked up my deceased mother's phone, my hands trembling as I began dialling. 999.

"A...Ambulance..." I murmured, reciting my home address before abruptly hanging up.

They can't know what I've done, I have to leave. But..... where exactly can I go?

Well... this is my life now? I'll always have to be on the run. I grab a fresh knife from the kitchen drawer, because I can't bear to touch the one I'd already used; the one with Liu's blood.

Look, I don't intend on using this knife unless I HAVE to... it's just for self-defence.

My fingerprints are already everywhere, they'll know it was me... but it doesn't matter if they know who the murder is if they can't find me. And I don't intend on getting caught.

OH NO- I hear the sirens, see the blue flashing lights pouring through the window. Just an ambulance, but I've got to make sure no one sees me.

I race to the other side of the house, open the window and swing through, crashing into the ground and painfully twisting my ankle. Agh-

Never mind, I have to keep going. Into the woods. Can't stop, don't look back...

Don't look back...

I don't need to look back.

I hurtle through the forest like I've never done before, the ground coming up to meet me at every unexpected jump, my heart beating so hard I can feel it in my ears. My limbs are leaden as I trek through the dark, tree after tree silently passing me by. The light of the moon, intermittently flickering through the branches, casts a bizarre cast on the forest. Leaves, ripped from their roots by my fall, slowly float down from above as the darkness envelopes me, and I realise this must be the woods outside my house.

The streetlights keep coming, despite the heavy canopy of leaves overhead, and even though my legs are stiff and sore from running, I keep running, deep into the thicket, through the trees, blind, twisted branches whipping past my face as I dart blindly forward.

My hands are bloody, covered in blood.

What the hell?

At one point I break out into a clearing, and my feet collide with the ground. My arms flail as I try to make sense of where I am. The trees have fallen silent, the lights have gone out, and as I glance around wildly, I feel a sudden flurry of movement around me. People! People, rushing in and out of the dark, but I can't make out what they are. Sounds of laughter are apparent, spine chilling, psychopathic laughter.

It's here.

It's been waiting for me.

"Got you, Adam," I hear through my blood-smeared, bleeding ears.

"Where the hell are you going, Jeff?" a harsh voice barks.

"I'm on the run." I try to shakily stand, but my ankle is injured, and every step sends waves of pain through my body. "Just gonna hide."

"You should have just stayed dead," the voice mutters.

And then my eyes go wide and I notice the knife in his hands. I cry out, pain piercing my right leg as he snarls, the blade flashing toward me.

BANG! The sound of a gunshot echoes around the dark trees, almost sounding like... it's coming from the far end of the clearing. In slow-motion, a body rolls away from me, its limbs smoking from a recent headshot, and another man stands, running down the dirt path, face covered in blood and streaming with sweat.

"Jeff! I was so worried about you!" A voice calls, lowering the gun. I hold the knife in defence. 

The silhouette of a woman rushes out into the clearing, blue eyes wide with terror as she catches up to her husband.

"Adam! Don't shoot!"

"Adam," I gasp, heart thudding, tears forming in my eyes. The man rushes forward, laughing and grinning.

"Why can't you just die?" he laughs. "You were such a burden, and now that you're alive, we can finally start to enjoy you!"

He grabs me and tries to take me away, but I hold tight to the knife, my blood-soaked hands gripping it hard.

The gun goes off, followed by a cracking sound as the bullet strikes the knife handle. The man drops to his knees, screaming in agony, and the woman lunges toward me, her body stiff and rigid, as if she can't believe this is happening.

She lunges toward me and we tumble to the ground in a flurry of panic and rage. In seconds, we're both on the ground, writhing and wrestling in the dirt.

I throw her off and grab her knife, whirling it at her, knocking the knife from her grasp and into her chest. Her body tumbles to the ground and my heart stops.

I spin around to see the woman's husband holding the gun to his own head, tears forming in his eyes.

"Adam?" a voice calls, and I look up to see my friend Giselle running toward me, a stricken look on her face.

"I thought you were dead," she says, looking at me in horror.


The man turns to her, and they share a look.

"I'm sorry," he says, the words sounding laced with anger and regret. He reaches for the gun.

"No!" Giselle yells, moving forward, trying to stop him.


A shot rings out. She jerks around, but there's nothing there.

He turns to her again, and she's crumpled on the ground, her eyes open and empty.

The man walks to his wife's body and turns it over. The blade of the knife is still in her chest.

"And they lived happily ever after," he says.


I don't hear his footsteps as he turns and starts to walk away.


Okay... like... whaaaaat??? Now I wanna know who Adam is!! What?? He just um... welp. Up and almost kills Jeff?? AAAA WHYS THIS SO CREEPY EEEEEEEE XD

Dare I do this for the beginnings of ma other stories?? >:3

Welp I um.. hope you enjoyed... ahha :')

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2022 ⏰

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