TB (yeah, again :3) | Character Songs

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So.... when I was thinking up Blue's backstory, I kinda based it off a song I liked at the time (Strongest, by Alan Walker)(I've attached a video of it in case ya don't know the song)

And just now I've had a super cool idea.

Decide a song for every single character from The Babysitter, and because I'm super ambitious like that...

Another video will be coming up (soon)

(Actually probably not soon but nvm)

(Heh, definitely not soon. But in the future.)

Either way. I've GOT all the songs for each character decided (including NASA and ASAN)

(honestly I decided them REALLY quickly)

They're all based off TB I :3

Anyway. Hope you're looking forward to that? Well I am anyway >:3

See ya later, comment friends!

(Edit: now I've added all 25 of them into a playlist :3)

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