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As the sun retreats to the abyss, the moon comes up, carrying the light. The moon and the sun reminds me of someone. The moon being Tom, borrowing Tord's sunlight. Tord being the sun, able to shine Tom and let him borrow his light. Though they may come out in different times, they still touch each other, they see each other. I wonder if the sun and moon have feelings for each other.


The room had smelled like coffee. The keyboard clicking being heard. The ray of blue seen from the dark room. Tom had been working on something again. Whenever he can't sleep, he just works on his stories. Though, this night was a different night. It was different from the others. The emotions are very different.

Suddenly, he got a call.

His fingertips traced onto the phone, his thumb sliding to the answer side. His eyes moved back to his work. His ears open for any answer or noise, waiting patiently as he pushed the phone to his ear with his left hand.

"Tom? Shouldn't you be sleeping?" A familiar Norwegian accent heard

"I should be fucking asking you that." Tom responded, scoffing with a pout. 

A familiar Norwegian accent heard. Of course, out of all the people to call him at 2 am, it had to be Tord. A sigh left his lips, listening to the male's voice. "What do you want, Tord?" He asked the male, continuing on his novel. A chuckle was heard by the phone. Tom only rolled his nonexistent eyeballs, scoffing at the male's chuckle. "You are such a fucking shit person, Commie. Can't believe some hoes fucking want you" He spoke up, groaning as Tord laughed softly. "Shhh~ I know you love me too, Jehovah~" He cooed out as Tom... was about to fucking throw his phone to the fucking wall. "I hate you so much." 

"Calm your balls, I just want to talk. Do you know those nights when you're just so scared to overthink, get nightmares and just... Not wake up?" Tord asks, chuckling nervously. Tom had now stopped typing, closing his laptop after he saved his document. He turned it off, laying in bed. "Why are you talking about this? Especially to me out of all people?" Tord sighed and laid onto his side. "I don't know. I was looking through my contacts, just trying to find someone to talk to and your name came in along." He chuckled more, closing his eyes. Tom's voice had always made him feel so better. "I guess its fate." Tom blushed softly, trying to ignore it. "Don't talk shit about fate, you know I don't believe in that shit." The male laughed, smiling "I know, I know"

Tomas rolled his eyes, just listening to the male. "I don't even know if you did the right thing" he chuckled softly, closing his eyes as well. "Hey Tord?" He asks the male on which the Norski returned his gaze onto his phone, smiling softly. "Yeah?" He replied, gently taking his phone. Tom opened his lips to speak up "Why do we only really get along at night?" Tom asks, a little regret in his voice. Was that question too fucking personal? Then again, they do talk personal shit at night. This shouldn't be such a fucking weird question... right?

Tord sighs at the question, trying to think of an answer. "The moon makes you feel at ease, the darkness makes you feel safe." He replies, hoping that the male could get what he meant. He knew he had to talk to the male at night, it was when he was more calmed down and chilled out. "Then why do you only care about me?" Tom asks one again, Tord returning with silence.  "So...what are you doing right now?" He asks the male instead, avoiding the question. 

"I was just writing, now I'm just laying in bed" Tom replies, just stopping with the question. He wouldn't want to make the atmosphere awkward. Opening his eyes, he looked over at his white ceiling. "Well what about you, commie?" He asks. "I'm just relaxing," He gets up, heading out his room. He heads down the kitchen, a smile on his face. He would never admit how he actually likes his company at night. "Hey Tom?" The Norsk asks the Brit.

"Do you want to star gaze?" Tord asks, hoping that the male wouldn't decline, he had already got such a bad day today. What the fuck after all, he can't fucking do shit. He has nothing else to lose anyway.

Tom was taken aback from the sudden, wholesome question. A light tint of pink onto his tan skin. What the fuck? This is Tord after all, the fucking dickhead mostly everyone's scared. Hell, some fucks can't even talk to him without fucking stuttering. What was up with the sudden wholesome answer? Is it the end of the fucking world or some shit? Tom shrugged it off, maybe Tord needed something. He slightly stuttered, though replying and getting a hold of himself. "Y-Ye..Yeah sure, I have nothing else to do anyway." A chuckle could be heard by the phone, a door opening upstairs. Tord soon headed down. "Cool, see you there then, baby blue." 

"What are we waiting for then?" The brunette smiles at the small male. Edd wouldn't mind them going out at night right? Nahhhhh

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Author's Note

Finally! A new fanfic, let's just hope I wouldn't get too busy and discontinue the story lmao

Words: 946

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