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Thomas sits by his friends at the cafeteria table, zoning at the table as he ate his lunch and listens to music. He could vividly hear Edward call out his name. "Yeah?" He asks his friend to which the male smiled. "I was thinking of us all just head out and having fun?" The brunette suggests. "What kind of out? Heading to the mall? Walking at the park? Anything?" Matt asks. "Maybe just strolling through the park? Maybe we'll find something cool!" The male glimmers out. "I don't really mind, my parents wouldn't mind at least." Tord speaks out. "Tim are you in?" Matt asks his friend. "Tom, and yeah sure, I don't have any plans anyways." Tom replies before glancing back onto his phone. 

And so, the group decided to stop by and take a stroll later on. After school, they would head back and change and after they  would meet up at the park. Tom walks with the group out the cafeteria. The bell had just rang and students were running along the halls. The group made their way through the busy hallways of Openhood High School and to their classes. "Come on, lets just get through the day.." The eyeless teen thought. 

After a few more hours went  by, the class was finally dismissed. Thomas sighs, glad that classes were over. He looks around the place, meeting the others at the gates. "Hey." He speaks out as the others waved and greeted. Tom looks around the place, seeing people rush in the train station. He walks with his group to the train station. Matt, Edd, and Tord were talking about some random bullshit he couldn't comprehend. His earphones were in full blast afterall. 

Thomas was rather quiet today, something his group worries about. Though, Tord was more worried. He had gotten news, well, overheard that the male had lost a family member. Tord looks over at the male in front of him. He sighs, waving his hand in front of him. "Hey, Thomas." He spoke up as the eyeless male looked up at him, an eyebrow raised. "What now, commie?" He asks. "You just look out of it today, anything happened?" He asks, thankfully, Edd and Matt weren't paying attention to them. "It's none of your shit, I'm fine." He replies to the Norski. Tord sighs at the response. "If you say so." He replies before looking away once again. 

Thomas sighs, looking over at the window. He looks over as the surroundings, wondering if he should really tell the commie his troubles later on once the sun sleeps. He peers over to the male, staring at him. Unluckly for him, Tord has caught him in the act. The brunette raises an eyebrow, chuckling. "Can I help you?" He asks as Tom immediately looked back onto the window, a little pink on his cheeks. "Shut up." He responds to which the male chuckled as a response. All the Brit could do was roll his non-existent eyes.

Soon enough the train surely arrived. One by one, each students unboarded from the train. Now it was Edd's time to head off. "I'll see you soon!" He waves to the group as he exits the train. Matt smiled, waving farewell  to Edward. He got ready for his soon leave as Tord and Tom continue to ignore eachother. He chuckled softly at their childish behavior. "What?" The two asked in unison. "Oh nothing, you two just look funny!" The male giggled out. Tom sighs as Tord rolls his eyes with a smile. "Oh! My stop is here! I'll see you both soon then, Goodbye!" Matt waves goodbye to his friends. 

And then they were two....

Tom started to relax more, taking a deep breath and leaning his head to the other's shoulder. Tord laughed softly "Oh you are so fucking lame." He teases the eyeless male. "I said shut up, shush" The smaller male shushed him. "I'm just tired after today. It's been a longd day. People keep staring at me. It's fucking weird." He sighs as Tord put an arm around him. "Hey, were almost at ourstop, let's walk together." He smiles softly to which the other nodded in response. They soon arrived to their stop, both boys walking to their neighborhood. "I'll uh.. see you later? After I change clothes that is." Thoams spoke up, letting go of the other's hand. "Yeah, see you then." The norski spoke up, waving goodbye and heading to his house. 

"I'm home." Tord speaks out, lazily taking his shoes off and heading to the kitchen. "Oh hey, dads' at work still." Gene spoke up, taking a pizza slice from the box. "Didn't see you at class? You skipped? Oh Pa's going to be fucking pissed off. Goodluck," Tord smiles at his brother, taking a slice aswell. "Oh yeah, that reminds me. I'm heading to the park soon, tell dad and pa I won't be home before dinner. I'm eating out." He speaks out as Gene chuckled. "Oh? A date? About fucking time." He teases out. "Oh shut the fuck up, I'm heading out with the group, nothing special." Tord sighs out.

"You know it's been like 2 years now sicne you've talked about developing feelings for Tom. How's it been? You haven't really taken "action" or made a "move" or something like that from movies and shit." Tord frowns and looks away. "I've known Tom sicne forever, I don't want to mess shit up. It took him like 4 years to consider me as a friend. What more if I asked him out?" He asks as Gene sighs. "Okay, Valentine's is coming up soon. How about an anonymous letter?" His brother suggested. "He'll immediately know it's me" The older sighs, explaining how Tom had already memorized his writing. "Jeez, thought you two weren't dating and now he knows your writing style?" He laughs. "Not only that, but your handwriting?" He nudges his brother, a sly smirk on his face.

"Don't mess with my shit, I'm sure he doesn't actually want to go out with me, you know, the person he hates the most?" Tord sighs, looking at the pizza box. "Remind me why we're eating unhealthy food?" He asks. "Because we're teens, Tord, teens." Eugene grinned, a small laugh escaping from his lips. "I'll continue working out tomorrow, I'm too gay and tired for things right now" His brother yawns. "I'm heading to go up and sulk in my bedroom for a tad. Don't go round" Gene spoke, giving the 'im watching you' signal.

"Yeah, yeah, not much I can do with things here anyway." Tord spoke, getting his phone out and messaging his totally not crush, nah just a fancy! Yeah that sounds gayer. He sighs, messaging him a "I'm home, hbu?" Message. He awaits for the male's respond, just browsing through his gallery like the psychopath that he is. He chuckles softly at a few pictures of him and Thomas. Especially the picture Edd took while they were on a school trip. It was just them, sitting by the park, on a bench as the sun kissed them. It was.. perfect. It captured every single emotions he felt for the boy.

He loves his sunkissed face.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2022 ⏰

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