Oh, My Emotions

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As the two young adults walked outside, they both seemed to lock eye contact for a few seconds before pulling back. A sigh left Tom's lips as he walked out the dormitory. They made sure to be quick yet hidden. Once they finally climbed down the wall, they both had calmed down from their adrenaline and anxiety to be caught. Then again, they have snuck out multiple times so it wasn't a big problem, but still. It's still possible. They looked at each other, smiling. Out of nowhere, they just laughed. They didn't exactly know why they were laughing, they just kind of just laughed, having a good time. Before the guards could see them outside, they had both ran to the park, a smile on their faces. They finally sat down on their usual spot, right beside each other and near the Ulmus Minor Var tree.

Tord looks over at the male beside him, smiling more as he watched the male admiring the stars from above. Tom smiled softly, sitting up. "What do you think stars are made out of?"Tord asks the British male, turning his attention to the stars. He wouldn't want to stare and end up just... well, looking like a creep. "Well scientifically, hydrogen and helium but... I like to believe they're living creatures too. " He speaks out with a smile. He pointed over at a group of stars. "Look, they kind of look like those huge ass families" He giggled softly. Tord rolled his eyes at the male's reaction, just listening to him. "And those look like a friend group, he looks at the stars that had looked like 4 stars lined up. "It kind of looks like our group" He spoke, smiling more as he hugged his knees. He was honestly a tad cold despite having three layers of clothing. Tord had noticed the male shivering from the cold temperature. He sighs at his idea, taking off his red jacket. He put it over the male's shoulder. They were alone anyway. No one can see. Just them, only they will remember this night.

Before Tom could react to anything or speak a word, the Norski pointed at something. Two stars, far away from everyone else. They had a small circle just for them. It honestly kind of described what they are doing right now. They were alone and far away from everyone else, just their perfect silence. Tord went closer to the male, their hands right beside each other now. When he was about to do something, Tom interrupted. "What are you doing?" He asked the brunette boy. Tord looked away from the male, keeping his hands to himself.

"Oh... Nothing. "

There was an awkward silence between the two. Well, until Tom decided to speak up. "Don't you think those stars remind us of us right now?" He asks, turning his gaze to Tord for a second. He looked back at the stars, Tord looking back at it as well. "How so?" Tord questions the male although knowing of the answer. It was because they were close right? Well, physically. A soft smile lit up out of the tan male's lips, admiring the two stars that have just seemed to have their own little world.

"I don't exactly know how to explain it but I'll try? Well, for starters, they're right beside each other. They're just enjoying each other's company. They have their own little world" He chuckles softly at the thought. "But you don't just look at a picture, Tord. You understand and real all the details to know exactly why it was captured, made or found. It all has a meaning." He looks back at the male beside him. He sat down, going closer to the male, leaning his head to his shoulder. "You'd know what emotion they represent if you understand it correctly."

Tord sat there in awe, the male's words has fazed him. His cheeks were lit up a soft shade of red, his heart skipped a beat, his stomach curled up, he just couldn't get the male off of his head and he swore he had felt his eyes glisten with such admiration and hope. He had permanently struck Tord. A smile crept his face as he let the male lean back to his side. He didn't really minded it. It was... Rather soothing for him. Who knew this was going to happen?

Tord has always been the person that people get scared of. In school, outside school, just particularly anywhere. Everyone else were other too scared at him, tries their best to avoid him or challenge him and fail. Hell, even Edd and Matt were scared of him. But Tom? He barely even gave a shit. He actually challenged the male. Strangers turn into rivals, rivals turn into friends and he doesn't even know what they were anymore. They were friends yes, but it just felt different. Best friends? No. It felt so much different than what he could've been feeling if they were just friends or some shit. It just... Felt so different to call it as close friends. Maybe. Maybe not.

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