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Hajime was in the middle of a photo shoot, when the sound of bells echoed across the room. Based on the fact that no one else was startled or had even bothered to look up, it was likely that he was the only one who was being plagued by the noise. He looked around the room and clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"Hajime?" called the staff member behind the camera. "Is everything alright?"

Hajime, remembering he was in the middle of work, nodded. "Yes, please continue."

His eyes landed on Kanade, who looked slightly worried as he leaned against the wall, holding an open notebook.

After the shoot, Hajime stepped outside the room, finally having some room to breathe. Or so he thought.

"Hajime!" Shun bounded up to him like an over-enthusiastic fanboy.

"Shun," said Hajime in a resigned voice. "Why are you here?"

"We had an interview today," said Kai, appearing behind Shun.

"Is something bothering you?" asked Shun, leaning closer to Hajime's face.

Hajime pushed him away. "Nothing much."

They watched as Kai's phone rang and he picked it up. "Rui?" he asked as he walked away, leaving Shun and Hajime watching him stalk down the corridor.

"Are you sure it's nothing?" asked Shun.

Hajime regarded Shun, wondering if the self-proclaimed paranormal expert would be able to help him out. "I've been hearing the sound of bells lately."

Shun looked around thoughtfully. "A summoning or a wish?"


"Nothing." Shun smiled at Hajime, grabbing his hand. "Let's go!"

Kanade drove them back to the dorm and Hajime was greeted by the rest of their team.

"You're not asleep yet?" asked Hajime, looking at the clock.

"We were waiting for you," Rui yawned.

"To be fair, I'm up because Yoru said he was making tea," said You, as Yoru smiled from the kitchen. Kai attempted to ruffle his hair, but You ducked away, leaving Kai laughing.

"Thanks for worrying about us," said Shun, taking a seat on the couch.

"I was not!"

And again. The gentle twinkle of bells rang across the room and this time, Shun looked to Hajime, who was staring off into space. Hajime looked back to Shun, who smiled. "A wish," he confirmed as he looked around at everyone. Kai, apparently used to Shun's random strange looks, knew what he was thinking.

"Stay where you are!"

Hajime looked slightly surprised at Kai's unusual commanding voice, as the lights in the dorm went out and even the light from the moon faded out, leaving the room in pitch-black darkness. Exclamations of surprise echoed across the room, before Hajime felt the darkness claim him.

Hajime woke up in the middle of the night, realizing Haru was asleep next to him, with Procella and Gravi asleep around them both. The floor was cold, and the scent hanging in the air wasn't that of their dorms at all. He knew something was wrong when he looked up and saw the moon hanging in the sky, with more stars twinkling than he had ever seen in the midst of his city. They were on the streets, but no one appeared to be around.

"Haru, wake up," said Hajime, shaking Haru in the hopes Haru was a light sleeper.

"It's the first time you've had to wake me up and not the other way around," mumbled Haru as he opened his eyes and yawned. He froze mid-yawn as he noticed everyone else passed out around him and then the hauntingly quiet street. "What's this?"

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