A Night Of War

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Hajime sat by the corridor, watching as the light of the sunset gradually faded away. Saitou was practicing swordplay by himself on the grounds beside the pond, and Hajime finally realized why it seemed so different from their own.

"You're left-handed," he called out, noticing Saitou wore his swords on his right as opposed to the others who wore them on their left.

Saitou didn't look back as he slashed his sword in the air. "Is there a problem?"

Hajime wondered how much grief Saitou had been given for being a left-handed wielder. Looking at him closely now, no one would have guessed it bothered him if not for the slight tension of his shoulders.

"No. Does that give you an advantage seeing that most people don't know how to fight against a left-handed katana wielder?"

Saitou finally looked back to Hajime, a certain gratefulness crossing his eyes as he nodded, the light of the sunset reflecting off his unsheathed blade.

"Hajime!" Hajime and Saitou both turned to watch Kakeru run up to them.

"What's wrong?"

"When the last patrol went out, they found out that someone was planning to burn down Kyoto!"

Hajime and Saitou shared a look, Hajime feeling rather exasperated that someone would actually bother to burn down a city, before they followed Kakeru into a room where Sannan, Kondo and Harada were waiting. Kakeru left in search of Haru as Hajime and Saitou sat down. The room held the silence of a city at night, as Hajime decided to break the silence.

"What's happening?"

"Choshu," said Hijikata as he entered the room. "They've been plotting against our lord."

Sannan nodded as Kondo said, "Toshi, assemble the troops." Hijikata left without hesitation, as Hajime wondered how bad the battle would be, and whether they would all make it out unscathed.

Hijikata assembled everyone together in a span of 5 minutes, an incredible feat. It wasn't exactly a lot of people, except for the fact they had 12 extra warriors, which was the fact that Hajime didn't like at all. It was the first time he realized that they were all disposable in the eyes of the military government.

"Any word from Aizu?"

"Not yet. Should we head out anyway?" asked Heisuke, looking between Kondo and Hijikata.

"We still don't know whether it's Shikokuya or Ikedaya." Kondo shook his head, seeming serene to the untrained eye, but quite distressed by the set of his shoulders.

Haru, his eyes brightening for a second, stared at Hajime, who looked back and raised an eyebrow. Haru silently traced the letter 'I' on the air, unnoticed by anyone else, except Shun, who smiled.

"I suppose they'd be in Ikedaya," said Hajime, giving a quiet nod to Haru.

"That's unlikely, seeing as they've used that inn quite often," replied Sannan. Hajime and Haru shared a look, and then looked to their teammates, a silent thought passing between them.

"We have enough people, so take half and head to both," said Hajime, addressing Kondo.

"Toshi, take half to Shikokuya; the team captains and I will head to Ikedaya." Kondo's voice held authority, the likes of which Hajime hadn't seen before. "Hajime, can your team fight?"

Hajime spared a glance at Procella and Six Gravity, a hint of fear in both Aoi's and Yoru's eyes, while determination flared in You's and Arata's. He instinctively knew that Arata's and You's determination came from the desire to protect Aoi and Yoru. Hajime was sure Kai and Shun would be fine, but he looked to Haru, who despised combat and was now thrown into the midst of war. Rui was expressionless, so Hajime couldn't get a grip on his feelings. But the way Iku was standing beside Rui protectively, showed him more than he could see. Koi and Kakeru were very obviously afraid, rubbing their hands together as if to stay warm. Hajime made his decision.

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