The Burning City

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"Aoi, you need to eat something," said Hajime, attempting to coax Aoi, who shook his head as he pulled his legs up and curled up into a ball against the wall. His eyes were bloodshot; he hadn't eaten or slept in two days, and everyone was worried.

Hajime had never seen Aoi like this, but he should've known this would happen. Aoi had a pure heart, a gentle one, and now it was stained black with murder. He knew Aoi hadn't meant for it to happen, it just had. But if it came down to Aoi committing homicide or him dying, Hajime would prefer the former. He just wished it hadn't turned him into an empty, heartbroken shell.

He remembered the time when Aoi managed to smooth things down using nothing but words, when it almost seemed like a fist fight was about to break out between You and another actor.

Last night, Aoi stared at the wall, refusing to sleep. Hajime noticed and sat by him, hoping that he would get a little comfort from his presence. Hajime had drifted off, but Aoi was still awake when he woke up, picking at his nails.

Haru looked at Hajime, a mirror of his own worried face, as Kai leaned against the wall, twirling a stone in his hand.

"Can I talk to him?" asked Arata, stepping forward, his eyes on Aoi. Something about the look in his eyes told Hajime it was a bad idea, but he stepped outside with Haru and Kai. His suspicions proved correct when Arata's usual monotonous voice now had a hint of anger, which could be felt through the walls. Hajime could almost imagine Arata grabbing Aoi by the shirt. While Arata wasn't one to show emotions, he was probably frustrated and worried. Anger was a secondary emotion, and until now, Hajime hadn't known that worry could give way to anger.

"Should we stop them?" asked Kai, looking back to the door.

"No," said Shun, leaning against the wall outside the room. "Let's see what happens. Taking a life for the first time may have damaged Aoi more than we expected."

"I wish none of us had to go through this," said Hajime softly, as You came up with a tray of food. Yoru followed him with his arm bandaged, again, the same routine for 2 days. Bring the food, just to take it away again.

"Aoi?" he asked.

"We're trying," Haru responded, shifting the weight away from his bad leg and looking at the tray. "If that's for Aoi, I wouldn't get my hopes up."

Arata walked out, his eyes dark as he looked to Hajime. "Should we give him time?"

Hajime looked at Shun, who glanced at the door. "I don't know if this is a wound that will be healed with time."

Hajime didn't think so either. The fact that their easy-going, ever-smiling prince Aoi was reduced to a heartbroken mess didn't get his hopes up. But that's why they were all here. They were here for Aoi.

"Let's try again later," he looked to You, who was silently communicating with Arata. "You, could you leave that inside for him?"

You nodded as he stepped inside. Kai was still turning the stone over and over in his hand. "Should we send Yoru in?"

Yoru looked up in surprise.

"I don't think that'll make a difference if even Arata couldn't snap him out of it," said Hajime, as Arata looked down.

"I miss Aoi," said Arata, in barely more than a whisper. But it still carried over to everyone's ears.

"We do too," said Iku, walking up with Rui, Kakeru and Koi following behind.

"But nothing we said helped either," said Rui.

"Because you injured your opponents; Aoi murdered one," said Haru quietly.

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