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is it a ringing from my chest ?
or a ringing of my ears,
the sight of your visage in my mind
that cannot disappear.
the ringing of my heart tunes with your breathing
the aftereffect on my brain is feverish but soothing
locking my eyes with yours
i unlock the buried desires of my heart
your charming smile that lures
someone like me as if spellbound, thou art!
just as the clear streams that glitter
the purple skies with birds that flutter
thoughts in my mind, nothing but you
is it something called love thats true?
skin to skin the sparks begin
oh my head gives me a little spin
daydreaming to dreams in night
will you ever leave my sight?
but as i assume its me
who never frees myself from thee
you are alluring like the moon
charming and marvellous that makes me swoon
there's so much to say yet nothing
the distance gives me pain that stings
but your voice is enough to struck my heart's strings
i guess your way to romance never went in vain
for now my heart is a part of your reign.
– may.

thank you for reading ily❤

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