Nocturnal Calls

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the time between 12 am and 3am
where theres nothing but darkness
nothing scary for now its a part of me
its a time that feels so lonely
yet it is shared by all artistic, damaged or insomniac souls
12 am is silent as the dead
just like the dead thoughts in my head
but 12 am is loud as well
not just the sound of cars and engines
but the sound of my mute screams
that cry out for help and love
i cry because this is the only time i can show
how my daily routines drags me down so low
the only thing i face is the dark night sky
total blackness with stars sprinkled across
i stare at the constellations
and spot the moon looking curtained
it looks at me and begs me to untrouble my weary heart
so i do, i do it unwillingly for its enchanted
she cherishes each of my whispered secrets
she cherishes each of my mirth and glow
but never complains about the crater on her alluring self
she too feels weary but after 28 days she feels whole again
this is the time that i too cherish
for it gives me freedom to cry without being concealed
it allows my heart to beat at normal pace again
it allows me to catch my breathe again
and it allows me to give a smile to the moon again
it feels magical how luna enchants me
she is the most unfaithful lover and shes beautiful
she accepts me for what i am
whether crescent, wanning, waxing, full or new
she carefully listens to my cries unflinchingly
she does not speak but i can tell she wants me to sleep
for looking at her now makes my eyes aweary
i blink slowly but still keep her in my sight
but she whispers to me, "good night"
i stretch my arms in the air
"2 am" says the clock making me aware
i look out of my window one last time before slumber
"adieu till i can pretend to be joyfull
for i know where to lead myself
when im sorrowful"
         — may.

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