Yibo and Zhan

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Zhan did not hear back from Yibo or Yin for a week now. Zhan wanted  to know if Yibo had decided on the designs he prepared for his office.  He also wanted to know what Yibo thought of him now. Zhan has been  confused past few days. Yibo evaded him that night when he asked why  Yibo left college suddenly without a word. He still wasn't sure if  everything was fine between them or not. He didn't know if he had to  treat Yibo as a friend or just as a client. May be he was just  overthinking, may be nothing's changed or may be everything did.

He was lost in thought when Yu Bin called him over to join rest of  the team for lunch. He was about to leave when his phone rang. It was an  unknown number.

"Hello?" Zhan answered the phone.

"Hello Zhan, it's me. How are you doing?" It was Yibo's voice on the other end.

"Yibo? Hey.. Hi Yibo..I'm good. How have you been? Nice to  finally hear from you. I almost thought you have replaced me as your  designer" Zhan joked nervously.

"About that..." Yibo hesitated for a second and Zhan's heart almost dropped thinking he was actually replaced.

"Do you want to may be come by sometime today to discuss that?" Yibo finally said.

"Yes, yes of course. I can be there right away if you want me to" Zhan was delighted.

"Sure. I'll wait for you then. Bye" Yibo hung up abruptly.

Zhan got up to leave immediately. "What about lunch?" Yu Bin stopped him.

"I'll grab something on the way" he said. Yu Bin stopped him to ask  "Who was that? Wang Yibo? Are you going to meet him now? Do you want me  come with?"

"No, I'll be fine. I will see you later" Zhan hurried away.

Zhan did not know why he was even excited. Excited for the new  job or to meet Yibo.. he wasn't sure. He just wanted to get there as  soon as possible so he even skipped picking up lunch.

"Hello Mr Zhan. This way".. Yin greeted him and showed him the  way inside just like last time but minus the warm smile from before. Yin  gave him a warning look before leaving him and Yibo to talk.

"Hey Yibo. Hi" Zhan greeted him with a warm smile. Yibo just  waved at him to sit down while he finished the ongoing client call. Zhan  sat down and waited for him to finish. It didn't look like Yibo was as  excited as him.

"So I've decided on this design." Yibo got straight to the point  as soon as he finished the call and handed Zhan the print out he's taken  of the final design.

Hmm.. so he really just wants to discuss work huh? keep it professional only? Fine by me. Zhan thought.

For the next 2 hours, they discussed the designs, timelines and  budgets. Yibo was very particular in what he wanted, what colors,  materials and art pieces to use. He is a very demanding client,  Zhan thought. As soon as they were done, Yin came around and hurried  Yibo out for another client meeting. Zhan followed behind to leave when  he saw Yibo turning around. "I'm sorry I have to leave in a hurry, let's  catch up over the weekend. Okay" he said and sprinted away.

Zhan was surprised but he was already looking forward to the weekend.

It was another 3 days before Zhan and Yu Bin could get the team and  materials ready for the work at Yibo's place. Zhan would go there Monday  morning to start with the mural he was going to paint at the entrance  of Yibo's office.

As promised, Yibo called him on Saturday. He was a little under  the weather, so he asked Zhan to come by to his place for dinner and  Zhan readily agreed. Zhan showed up at Yibo's penthouse that evening  with a bottle of red wine. Yibo greeted him with a broad smile and  hurried him inside while he rushed to the kitchen to check up on the  food he was cooking.

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