Chapter 1: The mark

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        "Sweet heart, come here." Said a male voice from the stairs.
I looked into my mirror in my bedroom. My dark brown hair that fades into navy blue was in a low ponytail as I placed a navy blue colored leaf pin in it. I had on a pair of blue jean overalls over a black and white t-shirt, and some red and white shoes. I tied on a old blood red sweat shirt around my waist and I placed on a golden crystal necklace my parents gave me after I was born. My pushed up my teal green glasses over my gray blue eyes. My navy blue ears were up and my brown, navy blue tail was combed down. I covered my blood red tear markings with some makeup. I took a deep breath and went down stairs. I came down to see my two fathers waiting for me at the door with smiles on their faces.
        "Morning, pup." Said the same male voice from earlier. His real name is Felix but I call him papa.
    He has navy blue hair that was in a small bun. His black eyes shined from behind his black wired glasses. He wore a pair blue jeans, a gray polo shirt, a pair of black shoes, a black leather jacket, and the same golden crystal necklace like I have. He was an ultmia and that's were I got my markings from.
         "Hi ya squirt." Said the other male, hugging papa's waist from behide him.
    That's my dad, Roger. He had his dark brown hair in a undercut. His gray blue eyes shined of happiness. He wore a blood red sleeve less hoodie, black jeans, white sneakers, a leather belt around his waist and the same crystal necklace like me and papa. He is the father figure while Felix is the mother figure. I love them both thought. Over the last year I came out to them as being Bisexual and they fully appected it. His marks were out and they kissed. They truly love each other and hope I find the one I'll love forever.
         "Morning." I said and dad let go of papa. We walked outside and headed to the park. We all like going there if we have time. They both are very involed in our clan, the flame clan, which is the highest wolf clan there is. I have school so thats take a bit of the day out. But we try to make the most of it. They truly are great parents to me and I can tell they do love me. I sat down on one of the swings and a guy came over and sat beside me.
         "Hi Jay." Said the guy looking at me with a smile. His name is Marco.
   Marco is an alpha of the second highest clan, the claw clan. His sandy blonde hair was in a high pony tail. He had this teal colored eyes that could kill someone if they wanted to. He wore a white sleeve less shirt, a pair of black jeans, a black and white belt, and a pair of blue and grey shoes. We've known each other since we were ten since our fathers know each other. He is only a few months older than me but he still makes fun of it. He blushed a bit and I knew why. He has have a crush on me since we were fourthteen and he calls me his girlfriend even though we aren't together. He only does this to impress his friends. My fathers like him but when he calls me is girl, they don't like it. Not just because I'm their little girl, but we don't have the same mark and I don't like him.
         "Hi Marco..." I said and he grapped my thigh. I pushed his hand away and he looked at me with shock. I looked over to see his friends were behind him and I got up. My fathers had gotten up to get ice cream before Marco came over.
          "What's wrong, baby?" He said so his friends could hear him. He tried to grab my hand but I jerked back. He grew angry by this. He pushed me up against the wall and he tried to kiss me.
           "Let me go, you asshole!" I said and tried to get away. I heard his friends laughing at this and then someone pulled Marco away. I fell to the ground and looked up to see a black haired demon girl holding out her hand.
            "Are you alright?" She said and I grabbed her hand. I got up and I felt myself blush a bit. She was...cute. She wore a light pink and white cotten dress, a pair of black and white shoes, and a small pink bow in her long rich black hair that was in a long braid that had two light pink stripes down the middle. Her emearld green eyes shined of worry yet also claim. She was also blushing a bit. What is this feeling?
             "Y-Yeah, thanks.." I said and she smiled. Just then another black haired demon came over to her. He looked much other than her. He had the same emearld green eyes but his hair tip was gray. He wore a gray shirt, a blue cotton jacket, a pair of gray sweatpants, and a pair of white shoes. He looked over at me and smiled a bit. Demons are ranked lower than we wolves are. Suddenly my fathers came over and dad looked at him. He pushed me away form the girl and sqaured up to him.
             "Leave my daughter alone!" He said and papa hugged me tightly. I grabbed dad's arm and he looked at me. Papa let go of me and I stepped closer to the demons.
             "Dad, they saved me from Marco. They didn't hurt me. Thank you...." I said and looked at them. I never caught their names. The male nodded and bowed quickly to me and my fahters. So did the girl.
              "I'm Hurki Matt, leader of the blood clan. This is my daughter Ash. I sorry for the inconvince, alpha." He said and looked at the ground still. He was an alpha too, that would make his daughter also an alpha. I looked at my fathers and papa helped Hurki up.
               "We should be saying thank you. If you didn't show up, our little girl would've got raped by that boy." Papa said and dad nodded in agreement. I smiled a bit. The girl blushed a bit and I could feel myself blush also.
                "I'm Roger, this is my husband Felix, and our daughter, Jayci. She goes by Jay though." Dad said and Ash smiled a bit. Cute. What am I thinking, she's a demon...Am I inlove with my enemy? I shook my head. After a bit they had to leave. I notice something before they left though. Ash's marks...they were the same as...mine?!

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