Chapter 4: The fight

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     I had no clue on where Ash had gone. I quickly got up, got dressed, and ran outside of the tent. I looked over to see the sun still hadn't rose at all. I have night vision since I'm a wolf, so it was easier to see. I could see a figure coming closer to me but I couldn't tell what it was. I pulled out an old pocket knife that my fathers gave me when I was ten. They said to only use it if one, I'm in danger, or two, if I need to cut something. I got ready to cut the person who was coming closer to me but then I saw who it was....It was Ash!
    I ran over to her and I saw her left ankle was swollen. I could tell she was in pain and she could barely walk. I wrapped my arm her back and she wrapped her's around my neck. She lifted her left ankle up a bit and she was limping a bit. I was worried now...If the police were here then I don't know if we could get away in time.
   "What happened?" I asked as we climbed into the tent. I got the first aid kit out of my bag as Ash placed her left ankle on a pillow. She looked at the floor and I went over to wrap up her leg.
   "I had heard something so I went to go check. I think I saw Marco so I tried to ran away but I sprained my ankle." She said and I frozed in fear. This could not be happening. If Marco found us we're in deep shit. I quickly wrapped up her leg and packed up the other stuff. I picked up Ash carefully and brought her outside so I could pack the tent. I carefully sat her down so I could pack up the tent. Suddenly I heard footsteps coming towards us.
    "Hello sweetheart." I heard a famliar voice say. I looked over to see Marco with the police surounding us. Ash crawled over to me and she hugged me around my legs. I could tell she was scared and terrifed. I couldn't show her I was also terrifed, but I couldn't help but feel terrible.
    "Give us the demon.." Said one of the male police officers. I could feel Ash hug my legs tighter and I blocked her with my hand. She had looked up at me and she grabbed my hand. I looked into Marco's eyes and he looked pissed.
    "No, besides I don't like you Marco...I don't even have the same mark as you! You just wanted me to be "your girl" to impress your friends!" I yelled and I grew angry. Marco come over and was about to grap Ash but I grapped him by his shirt collar and pulled him into the air. He was terrifed. My eyes turned blood red. As an ulitma, I can give someone or take away someone's wolf ears and tail. It only works for people who are wolves or are part wolf. I took away Marco's ears and tail and I threw him to the ground. My eyes turned back and he looked up at me with shocked. Ash had gotten up and she hugged me just under my chest.
     "Get them!" Marco said and the police ran over to us. I pulled out my pocket knife and I cut one of the officers. Ash blocked me with her wings. I sliced another one and she locked her her elbows with mine. I locked back at her and she had a smirk on her face. I smirked and turned back to finshed my other officers. I had gotten punched by an officer and I couldn't keep up with them.
     "Incoming!" I heard a familar voice said and I saw three people teleport from a cloud of black smoke. It was dad, papa, and Hurki! I was so happy to see them again. Papa ducked an officer who was then punched by dad. Ash let go of me and punched an officer that was coming from behind dad. Hurki could hold off his own, by blocking with his wings and punching them in the face. I suddenly looked back to see Marco with a shotgun and he pointed it straight at Ash. No...
      "Good bye, you son of a bitch!" He and was about to pull the trigger. I ran over and I pushed Ash out of the way. She fell on to the ground and looked at me with shock. I then felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I fell to the ground and placed my right hand on my stomach. I lifted it up to see blood on it. Ash ran over to me and she lifted my head to face her. She had tears running down her face.
      "Jay! Look at me!" She said as she cupped my face. I looked into her emerald eyes and I smiled a bit. I could feel a small stream of blood run down my face. She hugged me tightly and I wrapped my arm around her. I then saw Hurki get shot in his leg. Papa went up and knocked out Marco. I could tell he was pissed. Ash then let me go and she tried to stop the bleeding from my mouth.
      "Ash...take care of my fathers from me...alright." I asked and she looked at me with worry. Her lip started to quiver a bit. I had fallen a bit but she had caught me in her arms. I carefully placed my hand on her cheek and I could feel my eye lids drop a bit.
     "Jay...don't leave me, please!" She begged shaking me a bit. Dad ran over and he looked at me with sorrow. I couldn't let Ash worry so I pulled her head down and I kissed her on the lips. We pulled apart. Her marks started to turn white and she looked at me and mouthed no. She kept mouthing no and dad yelled at papa but I couldn't hear him.
      "Jay!" I heard Ash say one last time before I faded out. Everything went dark and I felt like I was asleep. I couldn't tell if I was asleep. I didn't remember what had happened.

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