Chapter 5: The ending?

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       I had woke up what felt like seconds later in a wooden room. I was blinden by a bright light and I couldn't see much since I didn't have my glasses on but it was also blurry a bit. I couldn't tell on where I was though. I had never been here before that I've known of. I couldn't tell if I was in a dream or if this was real.
      "Pup! Your awake!" I heard someone say as I looked over to see who. It was papa! He looked tired as there huge bags under his eyes. His navy blue hair was in a mess and he didn't look the greatness. But where was dad? I have so many questions.
      "What happened?" I asked and he came over to me. He sat down beside my bed. I had my hair down and he ran his hand through my hair. I didn't remember what even happened when I was up for the last time.
      "Marco had found you and Ash. We came as you two were fighting the police, and Marco shot you in the stomach. You had past out and was in a coma for...a week." He explain and everything came back to me. The fight, Marco shoting me, and Ash...crying that I was leaving her. What about her? Is she alright?
      "Where is Ash?" I asked and I tried to sit up a bit. I groaned and papa carefully pushed me back down on the bed. I looked down at my stomach to see bandages covering around the lower area. That's where I was shot if I remember right. I could tell there was a small bullet wound as I carefully ran my finger across it.
      "Easy, don't move alot at the moment. She is sitting in the chair beside you. She's been worried about you pup." He said and I looked over to see Ash on the other side of me. She had on my blood red sweat shirt on with a pair of blue jeans. She looked like she had been crying since there what looked like tear marks. Her marks were a duel color from were since I had almost died, if you mate(s) die...your mark turns white and you would find another mate ever again. I had whined a bit and papa could tell I wanted to make sure she was alright. He can teleport people unlike Hurki, where he can only teleport himself. He carefully teleported Ash beside to me. I rolled over and I hugged her. She had snuggled into me and I saw her smiled a bit in her sleep.
      "Thanks papa." I said and he nodded. I kissed the top of Ash's forehead and I rest my chin on the top of her head. Papa left the room since he wanted to check on dad since he was with Hurki. I carefully cupped Ash's left cheek and rubbed my thumb against it. Her marks had turned a bit brighter from the duel color. I sighed happily. Thank god her marks didn't turn white since I don't want to lose her. She then woke up and she looked at me with shock. I smiled a bit.
      "J-Jay?" She said as her voice started to break a bit. I could tell she was about to cry. I ran my hand through her long rich black hair and her emearld green eyes shined of happiness but also sadness.
      "Hi Ash.." I said and she kissed me. I wrapped my arms around her waist as she wrapped her arms around my neck. We broke apart and we budded heads. She had tears running down her face. I carefully wiped them away and she smiled at me. She was perfect. I could feel my tail wagging a bit and I felt myself blush. I haven't seen Ash this happy ever since we first kissed. I kissed her forehead and she smiled. She had wrapped one of her wings around me. I could tell she didn't want to lose me.
       "I though I was going to lose you, Jay.." Ash said and wrapped her arms around my chest. She tucked her head into my neck. I hugged her tightly and she smiled a bit.
       "I would never leave you Ash...Can I ask you something?" I asked and she looked up at me. She looked a bit confused. I cupped the left side of her face and I rubbed it with my thumb.
      "What is it?" She asked as she closed her eyes. She looked calm and happy now. She seemed to be in her happy place. This was the most calm I've seen her since we've been on the run for about two days. I couldn't even remember what happen in those two days.
      "Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked and she looked at me with surprise. She was blushing like crazy. I could tell I was blushing like crazy also. I couldn't tell if she was happy or mad. I hope she would say yes but I don't know. I felt stupid for asking since I though she wouldn't be with me after the whole being shot thing. I didn't even know if she liked me at all.
      "Yes! I would be stupid if I said no." She said and I smiled a bit. I kissed her and we broke apart afterwards. She hugged me tightly and I hugged her tighter. I closed my eyes while I rested my head on top of her head. I smiled happily and I heard two other voices from my door way.
      "Glad to see your awake." Hurki said standing in the doorway with cruches. Dad was next to papa holding his hand. I was glad to see that they were alright. Hurki's right leg was wrapped up in a bandage. Ash got up and ran over to hug him. He laughed a bit and he hugged her back. Dad came over and hugged me. I was to see my fathers again. Papa came over and we hugged. I couldn't wait to be together again. I missed them all so much and I thought I was never going to see them again.
    Suddenly there was a big bang from outside of my room. Papa and dad ran out and Ash ran over to me. I had no clue on what was happening. Hurki looked out of the doorway and he came back in with a shocked look. Ash was holding onto my hand for dear life.
      "Ash, take Jay to the safe room. The guards are trying to break in." Hurki said and Ash nodded, teleporting. We teleported to a dark small room that was cold. It felt like tile floors with wooden walls.
What was happening? Did Marco find us? What did Hurki mean by Guards? I can't anymore. I'll try to tell more later but I can't blow our cover. Good luck to you all and wish us some. Good bye for now...

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⏰ Última actualización: May 24, 2021 ⏰

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