Chapter 3: The runaways

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We had been running in the woods for what felt like hours. We finally agreed to set up camp near an area with lots of trees that we would be hidden in.    We would also be protected from any other animals trying to attack us.
     "Jay?" Ash said after we had set up our tent for the night. I looked over at her and she was looking at the floor. I sat up and walked over to her. I kneeled infront of her and sat on my legs.
     "What's wrong?" I said and she looked up at me with sorrow. I had a feeling she was missing her father. I missed my fathers also, this is hard for me since I usually tell them good night before I go to bed. I placed my hand on her shoulder and gave a small smile. I felt terrible since I didn't even know her for the past couple hours we've been running from the police.
     "Do you think we'll see our dads again?" She asked looking into my eyes. Her eyes shined of fear and worry. I truly didn't know if they were even alright. But I didn't want Ash to worry. I tried to stay calm and I got up. I sat beside her and I looked into her emearld green eyes. Without thinking I held her hand and I rubbed her knuckle.
     "I think we will. When the world has changed but for now I'm not sure when we will." I said and she held my hand tighter. She rested her head on my shoulder. I rested my head on her's and keep a hold on her hand. After a while, she got up and changed while I changed outside. I changed into my white tank top and the black shorts from earlier. I didn't want to enter the tent until Ash was finished chagning. I carefully knocked on the tent frame and she responed. I came in to her in a pair of grey short shorts and my blood red sweat shirt. I could feel myself blush a bit. She looked cute in my sweat shirt.
     "Good night Jay.." She said and she climbed into her sleeping bag. I crawled over to mine, taking down my hair and taking off my glasses. I reached into my bag to put up my glasses and felt a piece of paper. I pulled it out to see it was an old photo of me, papa, and dad. I was five when this was taken. I laughed a bit since papa and dad were kissing and I looked disgusted. I put it back into my bag and climbed into my sleeping bag.
     "Good night Ash.." I said and turned off the light. I had some trouble sleeping for a bit. I couldn't stop thinking about my fathers. I didn't know if they safe, hurt, or even dead. I didn't even know if Marco was hunting them down to along with Hurki. I suddenly felt something come into my side. I turned on the light low incase someone was nearby. I looked over to Ash cuddling into me. She looked like she had a nightmare of some sort. I turned around and I opened my arms for her.
      "Come here." I said and she slidded into me. She hugged on to me tightly, nuzzling her head under my neck. I wrapped my arms around her, rubbing her back. I placed my head on the top of her's. I mumbled a bit of an old wolf song my fathers sang to me when I was little. She soon started to calm down and she looked at me with her sparkling emerald eyes. I cupped the side of her face and I rubbed her cheek gently. She closed her eyes and smiled a bit. I started to blush a bit. Why is she so cute? Am in love with her for only knowing her for about ten hours? Maybe...
       "Jay?" She said bringing me back to the real world. I looked down at her. She looked a bit worried at me. Did I pass out or something? I don't think I did but I have no clue. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I looked into her emearld green eyes.
       "Yes, Ash?" I asked her but to my suprised she kissed me. I was shocked but I liked it. She pulled back and looked away from me. I lifted up her head I kissed her soft lips lightly. She looked at me with a bit of a suprised look. I smiled a bit and I was blushing like crazy. I warpped my arms around her waist and she wrapped her arms around my neck. She cuddled into me and I kissed the top of her head.
       "Can we cuddle?" She asked and she looked up at me with a smile. I haven't seen her smile much and laughed a bit.
       "Sure." I said and she tucked her head into my neck. I rubbed her back and she wrapped her legs around my waist. I kissed the top of her head and she looked up at me. After wards we talked about our past and maybe we would have something in common. Appearly we had alot in common. I'm bisexual and she is lesbian. I have two fathers and she had a father and a mom who had died when she was only a couple months old. Her clan is called the blood clan while mine is the flame clan. We never really had many friends growing up, nor did we hang out with out esle besides our parents. She was more of a cottage core type while I was a tomboy. We both like the movie series rocky. She wants to be a makeup artist while I want to become a baker like papa. We talked for another couple seconds then I saw her yawn and she fell asleep with a soft snore. I could feel myself blushing but I didn't care I turned off the light at looked up at the tent ceiling as Ash was in my arm. I closed my eyes and thought to myself of my parents. Are they okay? Are they alive? Did they get caught by Marco and the police? I didn't know...
       "I love you dad, papa." I mumbled to myself and I fell asleep. It felt like a actual dream, I fell inlove with a demon. Though, I woke up the next morning in the same sleeping bag, same clothes from the night before but....I couldn't find....Ash....

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