Chapter 1

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Geoff knew there would be a process; of course there was going to be a process. He understood he and Griffon needed to be checked to be qualified to have kids of all ages live under their roof, even if it was just for a short period of time – in some cases, it would be for longer. What he didn't expect, though, was how long it would actually take. It felt like months, going over stacks of papers and papers, meetings, and caretakers – it was exhausting.

“We're good people,” Geoff told Griffon in bed the night before they were going to be told whether they were to be allowed to be apart of the foster care program. “I'm sure everything will be fine.”

Griffon turned over to face him, not a hint of a smile on her face. “I hope so,” she said softly, “because Geoff, I'm so tired of all the disappoints. I just want one good thing to happen.”

“Our marriage doesn't count as a good thing?” Geoff asked, pouting a bit for dramatic effect.

Griffon managed a smile at that. “Of course,” she said, “It's the best thing to ever happen to me, but I'm talking about the next step. It's all been disappointments. I'm ready for good news.”

Geoff searched for his wife's hand under the sheets and when he found it, he grabbed it and he brought it up to his mouth.

“I promise you,” he started, “that I'll do anything to get you a child that you can love, care for, and help them grow up wise and strong. I'll do anything to help your dream come true.”

“Oh, Geoff,” Griffon smiled fondly as Geoff kissed her hand. “Well, I guess we should get some sleep, then. We don't want to seem tired during our meeting, do we?”

Geoff shook his head and smiled. They got themselves comfortable, and Geoff was able to find the right spot on his side that helped him drift off easily. Griffon, however, found herself on her back again, staring up at the ceiling.

Even if foster homes sometimes meant the child would only be there until they were adopted or brought back together with their birth parents by some miracle, it would still mean the world to Griffon to be able to watch over someone. Whether it was just for three days or three years, Griffon wanted it to happen.

“Oh, please,” she whispered to no one in particular, “Please give us this opportunity.” With that, she closed her eyes and found the sleep she needed.

The next morning was mostly dealt in silence as the two of them got dressed and ready. Geoff was mostly smiles, though, feeling confident in this. He just had a really good feeling. Griffon wanted to have that same good feeling, but she couldn't shake the little doubt away.

Arriving at the building, Griffon hesitated a moment, and Geoff waited inside the car with her until she sighed and stepped out.

“The moment I met you two, I knew it was meant to be,” Sarah, the foster care specialist, said to the Ramseys as she walked them to her office.

Geoff smiled at that. He and Griffon took their seats across from Sarah.

“So you two really are committed to this, right?” Sarah asked them.

Griffon nodded. “Of course we are,” she answered, “And I think we've been through enough meetings, enough training, to really grasp the idea and responsibility of this whole thing.”

The corners of Sarah's lips rose as she nodded. “I know that,” she said. She looked through a folder before pulling out a specific paper. Geoff and Griffon exchanged looks, but said nothing as they looked at Sarah again.

“This is Gavin Free,” Sarah said as she turned the paper around for the Ramseys to see, “He was brought to us a few days ago.” Her face seemed to show a sort of pain now as she looked at Gavin's photo. He was a small boy with sandy colored hair, seeming to have big green-blue eyes, but what really stood out about him was how adorable, loving, and sweet he looked, yet he didn't smile.

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