chapter one

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Katsuki chuckled gaudily, pink warmth on his cheeks from the drinks he had been downing for the last couple hours. What the other had said wasn't really funny, he was just laughing from disbelief, mostly.

"Deku? My fucking neighbor?" he hissed, eyes squinted and gaze somehow sharp even though his senses were not.

Kirishima who had been beside him the whole time laughed as well, although more good natured then his temperamental best friend. "Dude, that was a good one."

"I know right!" Denki said with a drunken grin of his own. The two of them fist bumped across the table.

"I didn't even think about him but you're totally right," Mina added unhelpfully. Katsuki sneered at them all.

"I could definitely pull that shitty nerd if I wanted to."

The table of five looked shocked at the claim which only pissed Katsuki off more. "Are you underestimating me!" he screamed, steam practically pouring from his ears. Although it was supposed to be a question, it didn't sound like one.

Sero was the first to start cackling and that only encouraged the rest of them to do the same. Katsuki grumbled profanities under his breath as he spun his red solo cup to watch his drink jump slightly, too intoxicated to spew his usual insults to make the group shut the fuck up. The flashing of the lights and the vibrations of the music within the house only fueled his insolent behavior.

After the group calmed down, Kirishima smiled as his large hand clapped on Katsuki's back in what he'd call an affectionate tap. "C'mon man! You have to admit that guy is a stretch, even for you."

"Yeah, Izuku is practically a nun. Plus, his mom is our history teacher this year. There's no way she'd let someone like you even near her darling star performer of a son." Mina pointed out with a dismissive wave of her hand, bracelets clanking together from the action.

"Don't forget he's like, the smartest guy in our grade."

Bakugo scoffed in offense and flicked Denki's forehead for that one. "Second smartest dunce face. I'm a fucking genius."

Mina laughed and Denki pouted, rubbing his temple.

"I think you're both beaten by Shouto though."

"Shut the fuck up shitty hair! That's bullshit. Fuck Ms. Midoriya too, I stand by what I said before. I can pull whomever the hell I want because I'm Katsuki fucking Bakugou and I'm number one."

It was quiet only for a couple seconds.

"How about we make a bet then?"

All gazes shot to Sero as the challenging words left his lips, a sly grin lifting up his cheeks and his eyes dark.

Katsuki was taken aback but not deterred, "What kind of fucking bet, tape arms?"

"A money bet. If you can successfully seduce Izuku Midoriya and get him into bed, I'll give you a hundred dollars. If not—"

"A hundred dollars!?"

"Oh you know I want in on this."

"Guys I don't think that's a good idea..."

Effectively cutting off the resident pothead of the group, Denki, Mina, and Kirishima spoke in unison. Katsuki and his drunk mind could only think to rise to the challenge.

"Make it two hundred dollars." He pushed, leaning back in his seat with a smug smile, already confident he had this in the bag.

Sero rolled his eyes and leaned in, "What for?"

"Because I can do more than seduce. Make it two hundred and I'll make him fall in love with me."

"You don't wanna hear what'll happen if you lose?"

"When the fuck have I ever lost anything, shit for brains?"

Shrugging, Sero held his hand out to his baseball captain and shook it. "You have a deal then, Katsuki Bakugo."

"More like Baku-BITCH!" Kaminari screeched and as the rest of them cackled, screams could be heard as Katsuki threw the blonde-haired little shit into the pool.

As if he could let him get away with that disrespect, after all.


"It's time!" Ochaco yells defiantly, slapping her hand against her book for emphasis. Izuku sighed at his best friend for her antics. She's been going on about this for at least fifteen minutes and Izuku was about ready to snap.

Luckily, Iida beat him to it.

"Ochaco, you are aware we are supposed to be finishing this questionnaire-"

"Yes Iida, I am aware. I just couldn't care less about a stupid summer reading assignment when we should be enjoying our break!"

"But this was the distinct reason for even coming over to the Midoriya-"

Izuku grew quiet as his phone pinged to life besides him.

The four of them, Izuku, Ochaco, Iida, and Todoroki were sitting together in his room trying to finish their summer reading assignment. But for the last couple of minutes, Ochaco had somehow drifted on to the topic of Izuku's love life.

Or rather, lack thereof.

You okay?
— sent from shoto :)

Glancing his way, Izuku gave small a smile before replying.

I'm alright! Thank you for checking up on me!
— sent from izuku

As the two set their phones down, Ochaco was back on his case again, ignoring Iida in favor of continuing their conversation.

"Seriously Izuku. I'm— I'm not doing this to put any pressure on you or anything! I'm just worried. You guys have been broken up since May right? It's been almost four months. Have you even tried getting out? Talking to anyone?"

A hand raised to rub at his burning neck. That was a little embarrassing. Did it seem like he was still hung up about his ex? "I-i mean.. not really? But I'm fine! Seriously chaco! You don't have to worry about me so much. My mom does that enough,"

Ochaco snorted at that and placed her hand on his knee as some kind of comfort. "I know, I just want to see you happy. Todoroki's got his secret little boyfriend we still haven't met yet," she looked pointedly at her friend (Todoroki just stared back confused) before continuing. "Iida's married to the grind, I've been doing my own thing. You've been super in your head a lot after the break up. I just want to make sure that asshole isn't still taking up your thoughts."

Izuku smiled as his hand gravitated towards hers. "Listen, if anything were to happen in my love life, you'd be the first one to know okay? I've just been focusing on myself this summer so like if I've been spacey or whatever- I'm sorry. Just know I'm okay and you really, really don't have to worry."

Ochaco sighed and Izuku could tell she was hesitant to let the subject drop but ultimately she did. Todoroki leaned over towards them and held out his paper, pointing with his pencil as he asked what the others thought of their next question. Izuku repositioned himself till he was laying on his stomach before mulling over the questions on the paper himself.

The foursome continued like this for the next couple hours, just going over questions and such before they got tired of looking at and thinking over problems for a book they didn't even like. Soon, they spoke of a topic all of them were quite fond of and their chatter turned more relaxed, more humorous. Just friends hanging out and enjoying their time together.

Izuku was happy to be here, in this moment with the friends he cared for most.

And when his phone pinged of a message from an unsaved number, Izuku would check it later. Right now, he was much too busy and much too distracted to care about a text, even if it was from someone who hasn't contacted him in a little less than four months.


a/n ! i hit 2000 on tiktok so i posted it... what do y'all thinkkkk :) if someone wanna make me a cover that'd be great also <3

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