chapter five

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Katsuki yawned as he yanked the door of his bathroom open to reveal the dimly lit area he called his bedroom.

His rough hand dipped into the waistband of his shorts, scratching at the blonde hair stretching on his abdomen as he headed towards his bed.

Contrary to popular belief, blonde was in fact his natural hair color. He didn't understand why some people didn't believe him when he said that. What the hell did he have to lie about? He wasn't some shitty fake like Denki.

Yes, his blonde was a box dye. Katsuki claimed that was the reason he was so dumb. Too much bleach fumes killing his brain cells.

When they had finally gotten home and the two mothers said their goodbyes, his own had slapped him on the back of the head as they stepped inside the house an hour ago, making him yelp from shock. She told him they'd talk about it in the morning and for him to get some rest. With quiet "I love you's'' on their tongues, they too went their separate ways. Katsuki was thankful for it even though he knew he'd have to deal with not only his mother but his father in a couple hours as well, but he didn't have the strength to explain what had gone down just hours before. Not yet, at least. He was still turning over the whole situation in his head himself.

Where would he even start? His parents didn't particularly have a problem with him going to parties and having fun with his friends. They encouraged him to get out more, enjoy his teenage years. Which translated to; make friends, stop being so pent up and alone. "Youth is a special thing you only get one shot at!" his dad reminded him daily. Going to house parties and having a couple drinks isn't the end of the world, they did it when they were younger. They understood Katsuki was anything but stupid and wouldn't do something that could harm him or his peers, whether he was under the influence or not. At least, when it came to the reason being: him drunk. Katsuki wasn't dumb enough to drink and drive is what he was getting at. They had a mutual trust between each other with it, so the drinking wasn't the problem.

The problem was the fighting. He'd been in fights before. He'd been punched, kicked, smacked, the boy had seen it all because of his incremental temper. Anger issues plagued him like a vice ever since he was young and his mouth only got him into more and more trouble as he got older. He wouldn't put himself in a situation that could kill someone, but beating the hell out of some dickhead didn't seem too far out of reach.

He'd been kicked out of too many schools, suspended and expelled too many times for his parents to handle. Although his grades were excellent, there wasn't much they could do for a bratty rich kid with heavy hands.

He hadn't been in a fight in a long time though. With baseball and track to worry about, he had other ways to let his rage run free.

And he wasn't an aggressive drunk, so the only thing that could explain his relapse was the situation. Surely his parents would understand,, but that didn't make the process of explaining to them why he'd gotten himself thrown in a holding cell any less excruciating.

Things had changed since middle school. Specifically his last year, it triggered something that made his fighting years come to an end. Until now.

He stood at the edge of his desk, red eyes gleaming down at his sage sheets with contempt.

His gaze drifted to the similarly toned phone charm on his desk.

What was he to do with that?

Why was he still holding onto it?

Katsuki's head shot in the direction of his window as a low creaking sound caught his attention.

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