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I wish I was skinny, but it'll never happen.
I wish I was happy, but they'll never let me.
I wish I could be who I want to be, but I'm not.
I wish I wasn't who I am, but I am.
I wish all these things and more, and none ever come true.
"why can't I look like her"
"why do I have to be this way"
"why do I have to be who I am"
"why do all of these bad things happen to me"
all of these thoughts race through my head
everyday I'm bullied, always wondering, "why me" "why not anyone else"
I guess I'm the easiest target
I'm already broken, easy to hurt
the only one they know who they can hurt the most
the only one who actually cares about what they say
I wish all these things and more, and maybe one day, they will come true.
and I'll no longer be wishing because I don't have to.
that is, if I make it to that day.

a broken soul, in a hungry body Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora