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I can't even count the amount of times that I've skipped a meal just because of how I feel. I don't eat dinner just to please others, I don't want to skip meals but I do. I want to be skinny, I want to feel worthy of love. I don't want to be made fun of because of a few extra pounds. I don't want to be fat anymore, I don't love myself like I should. I should be happy with who I am, happy with my body. But how can I be happy with it when everyone tells me I shouldn't, when they make sure that I know how unworthy I am and how imperfect my body is. I wish I could be skinny, I just want to fit in. Maybe, maybe I can skip one more, maybe that will help. I tell myself this every night, and every night it gets worse. One of these nights I might collapse, maybe I've gone hungry for too long. Is this what you wanted? Well, if it was, you won. Was it worth it, to bully me to the point where I fall, I can't love myself, I can't eat, all to make yourself feel better. Congratulations, you finally got what you wanted. I'm gone, now what?

a broken soul, in a hungry body Where stories live. Discover now