school mom

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all the things i wish i could tell you
the way you saved my life
how you pulled me from the darkest place
you kept me breathing when i felt like i couldn't
you helped me stay when i wanted to go
you saw something in me, something that i couldn't and you never let me lose it
"she's just your teacher"
they all say
but i know they're wrong
you're more than "just a teacher"
you're more than anything they could ever understand
they have parents who cared for them when they were sad
ones who said
"it's okay to be sad" "this won't last forever"
instead mine said
"why are you sad" "you have nothing to cry about"
they have parents who care for their mental and physical well being
and, i guess i do too
"she's just a teacher"
i know
she's more than "just a teacher"
she's my school mom

a broken soul, in a hungry body Where stories live. Discover now