Chapter 14

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Dylan and I started running trying to find Jen. We saw her with Carter. She was laughing and having a good time. Her gaze met ours.

She had a happy tear free face. We have tear stained, make up running, smudged faces. Jen looked at us and worry flooded her face. Carter noticed it.

He followed her gaze and saw us. He became worried to. Dylan and I walked over.

"What's going on?" Jen said slowly. We looked at each other. I was closer to Rae than anyone. Dylan sniffed.

"Well, you see. Rae's mom is moving to NYC."

"Oh. Rae must be so sad." Jen had no idea what we were about to tell her.

"That's not it.." Dylan murmured. Jen looked between us. She raised an eyebrow. I sighed.

"Raelynn's mom is making her go. We wanted her to live with us and stuff but her mom said that Raelynn needs a little time away from us. What does that mean? Does that mean we are stupid? Does that mean we aren't good enough? Are we not pretty enough? Are we not awesome enough for her mom? Like what is her problem?!" My voice was now at a screaming level.

Jen grabbed Dylan and I and pulled us into a hug. We heard something. We pulled away we saw Raelynn. She was on the phone.

"Mom k don't wanna go!'*pause* 'mom I'm not going! You can't take me away from them!*pause* 'mom I'm not overreacting! If anything you are being the immature one. I can't believe you're gonna take away my friends. Mom I am not going. I refuse. You can go by yourself!" Then Rae hung up.

"Woah." The four of us breathed out. I guess she heard us because she looked over.

"I'm fighting for it. I can't leave you guys without a fight. You guys mean so much. Especially my new friends to." She smiled slightly. Jen ran over and hugged her. Raelynn hugged Dylan to. She looked at me.



"I don't want to leave you!" She sobbed.

"I don't want you leave me either!!" We sobbed into each other. She smiled.

"I gotta go tell Christina and the rest of the girls. And Jason.."

"I wish you luck." She nodded and headed off. I turned around and saw the rest of e girls come from the bushes.

"Oh. We are so not letting her go!" Christina stared.

"Okay how do we do this?" I sniffed. I wiped away the tears and put my game face on.

"Well we can try plan A which is....."

Raelynn's POV

Dang where are they? I can't find any of the girls. Maybe I'll go look for Jason. I started to look for him. I found him with the guys. I pulled my sleeves down and my hood up. To make it look obvious something was wrong. I heard him talking.

"Yeah man. Rae is different I think I'm really falling for her. Everything about her is just-Rae?" I looked up then looked back down. "Guys I'll catch ya later Kay?" He was already walking over to me before he got their answer.

"Hey." I mumbled. He raised my head so I was looking at him.

"What's wrong? And don't tell me nothing because your tear stains say otherwise." I began telling him everything. At the end he was frowning.

"That sucks." I nodded and wiped away a tear that was temped to fall. He caressed my cheek. He leaned down and kissed me. He held the kiss for a couple seconds. He pulled away.

"We'll find a way to change your moms mind. If not then I'm-well everyone will have a full day of crying and stuff."

"Yeah that makes me feel better!" I laughed. He smiled.

"The smile and laugh that I missed so much is back." I giggled.

"And the guy I hate is here." I said sarcastically. He put a hand on his heart.

"Ouch that hurt a lot." He turned around. "Fine bye then!" He put his head high.

"No I was just kidding I sowwy!!" I put on the puppy eyes and jumped in front of him. He bit his lip. #Hot

"Thanks and I forgive you. You and one gorgeous puppy eyes." I smirked.

"You're welcome'*wink*'and yay!!" He smiled. He leaned down and kissed me.

Shay's POV

"Okay so everyone know the plan?" We all nodded. Jen smiled. "Good. Now hands in my summer beauties!!!" We all smiled. We put our hands in(picture on the cover thing).

"FOR RAE!" We all screamed when we put our hands in. I smiled. We al, started to walk I grabbed Jen and Payden. Payden has a huge role in he plan.

"Thank you girls, without you I could be loosing Raelynn for sure. But now I think I'll get to keep her." They smiled and hugged me.

"YOU'RE WELCOME BEAUTIFUL!!" They shouted at the same time. We all started laughing. The three of us joined the other girls.

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