Chapter 15

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Dylan's POV

I really hope this works.





"Hello are you Raelynn's mother?"

"Yes I am can I ask who you are?" Jen looked at me. I shrugged.

"I am Jen, I am the camp director. Umm we had a little problem with one of the campers. We have to shut the camp down early this summer. You have to come get her and her friends."

"I will get my daughter but I'm not getting her friends. I didn't give birth to them, they aren't my responsibility." Her mom snapped. I looked at Shay and Christina. They had their mouths open to.

I thought Rae's mom liked us? We saved her daughter!! "Well mam. Their was informed that you were picking them up."

"Well I'm not!"

"But mam-"

"But nothing. Looks like those girls are gonna be camping by themselves because I'm not picking them up. Tell Raelynn to start packing."

"Okay mam." Her mom hung up.

"I thought her mom liked us?!" I shouted. Shay crossed her arms and Christina remained shocked.

"Well then." We turned to face Raelynn. Uh oh. This wasn't part of the plan.

"Why did you call my mom and tell her that?" She demanded to know. None of us we saying anything. Payden cleared her throat.

"Well you see. We didn't want you to leave! I know I've only known your for like 2 months now because of this camp but Raelynn I know how close you four are. And I've grown really close to you as well as the other girls. You can't leave. So we came up with a plan. We called your mom, told her camp had to end early. So when she gets here she will probably be taking you to New York. Correct?" Raelynn nodded. "I thought so. So we are gonna show her that she can't take you away because we care about you to much. You might have to beg her a little. But-"

Payden looked to Shay. Shay sighed. "Well we were gonna show her that you're not a friend that can be replaced. You're apart of our family and she isn't gonna take you away. There isn't even an option. I don't care if she is your mom. You are 18(I forgot if I put them as a certain age so yeah) you are able to move out. So she can't force you to move. We are gonna show your mom that. But we don't want her to make us feel bad. And take this to court because you have no home and stuff. So I talked to my mom and she said you can move in with me. You'll still go to the same school. Same life. Same friends. It will be like nothin changed. And you practically live at my house anyway. And if your mom still takes it to court. Fact is my mom will win. That one time you and your mom got into that huge argument and she kicked you out and we took you in. We kept you fed, in school, we were perfectly good. Your mom wanted you back because he house wasn't clean all the time like you would clean. So her mom took it to court. We won until my mom said that you could go alive your mom. But my mom set rules. The judge asked my mom if she was sure and she said yes. That won't happen this time. My mom will legally adopt you because your mom doesn't treat you right and you know it!" Shay spit out. She was breathing hard by the end. Guess she forgot to breathe.

"I know." Raelynn mumbled. "I'm in. Let's do it." Everyone looked at Raelynn.

"Really?" Morgan questioned. She nodded,

"Let's do it ladies!!" We all smiled.

We all screamed girl power! Lol I don't ask me why Anna came up with it.

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