Chapter 18: Part 1

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Raelynn's POV

I was sitting in the back seat with Shay. She was telling me everything would be okay. Travis was sitting in the front seat also trying to calm me down. He smiled at me. He pulled out his phone. He dialed someone's number.

"Hey I need your help."*person talks* "yeah she's flippin out. Worry wise."*person* "yep I'll put her on" Travis handed the phone to me. I gave him a confused glance but took the phone.


"Baby?" Jason!

"Oh my god! Baby hey!"

"Baby you gotta calm down okay? Everything is gonna be okay."

"I'm trying its hard. My mom is different this time. And not in a good way either. She's changed, something has changed. I don't know what it is though."

"Baby. I don't know your mom and frankly don't want to no offense-"

"None taken." I said cutting him off. He chuckled a little.

"Good. But I do know Shay's mom really well actually."

"What do you mean?"

"Well Shay and I found out that when I met her mom, that her mom and my mom are best friends."

"Really?" I laughed a little.

"Yeah. And did you just laugh?"

"Maybe." He gasped. "So?

"So you're calming down. I succeeded." I giggled.

"You better feel proud. Shay couldn't even calm me down."

He gasped again. "Can she hear me right now?"

"No. Hold on.*puts phone on speaker*"now she can."

"Okay good. Hey Shay?"

"Yeah what's up?"

"Haha in your face I got her calm!" I giggled. Shay looked offended.

"I'll have you know it was very hard!"

"Really I got it done in less than 10 minutes."

"Shut up!" She mumbled. Jason just laughed. I smiled. I looked out the window seeming as we stopped. We we at the courthouse. I instantly went worried all over again. I saw Jason.

"Uh Jason?"


"I gotta go we just got into an accident."

"What?!" He shrieked. "Baby are you okay? Please tell me your okay? Baby? Please tell me? Are you there?" As he was asking questions I pointed to him outside the car. They silently laughed. I got out of the car quietly.

"Babe it hurts."

"What does? Where? Where are you Im coming?" I was right behind him now. I shouted boo! He whipped around.

"Oh my god that was so not funny!" He yelled hanging up the phone. I laughed as Travis and Shay were laughing their heads off. Jason was holding his chest.

He grabbed me and pulled me to him. He was holding me as if his life depended on it. "Jeez looks like someone missed Rae." I turned my head to see Morgan. I got out of his grip but he wrapped his arms around me from behind. I smiled. Morgan did to. I saw Tyler coming up. 'Did he ask?' I mouthed to her. She nodded. I mentally squealed. She laughed. She must've saw that.

I giggled. "Hey guys!" Tyler said.

"So uh what was with the whole hugging thing?"

Jason told them what happened. At the end they were laughing really hard. Travis and Shay came over still laughing. "It's not funny! I almost had a heart attack!"

"Dude it was funny, and what's up I missed ya man!" Travis and Jason did this handshake thing. I went with the girls that were here already.

Which was Shay, Morgan, Payden, and I. "Raelynn!! How you feeling?" Payden whispered searching my face.

I shrugged. "How am I supposed to feel you know." She nodded.

"Everything will work out." Her gaze went to something." I turned to look at where she was looking at. My mom stepped out of her car with style I wanna say? She was walking with confidence and swag. Oh god. We are so not gonna win! I saw the group of lawyers get out of the car right behind her. They followed her the exact same way. I looked over at Carol.

She was rolling her eyes. I felt someone nudge me. "It's just like Mercedes, all style but when it comes down to it there ain't no substance. We're gonna win and I know it!" Payden grinned.

I sure hoped so.

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