I Am Never Going Back There

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teeny weeny bit of smut-ish-ness in this chapter. nothing explicit, it's between draco+theo. 


You know, I really though the winter holiday would be good. Great, even. We were s'posed to go to Sev's in two days, but now I'm really not so sure. 

See, everything was going great. Harry's great, Sev's therapist man isn't some secret detective, and hell, my parents were leaving me alone! Everything was fine and fucking dandy until I found out they want me in an arranged marriage.

Which is why I am now storming my way down the corridor to Severus' corridor, glaring at anybody who so much as dares to look at me. 

"Severus!" I shout angrily, slamming the door. 

"Draco, what the hell!?" Sev responds, not sounding too happy with me.

And that's fine, because I feel like killing something.

"Read this piece of shit letter." I shove it at him. "What the bloody fuck are they playing at!?"

"Will you calm down for a second? Go get yourself a glass of water," he says then starts to read the letter. 

Of course, like the dramatic little piece of fuck I am, I don't. I find an alcoholic Butterbeer and start drinking it. Nothing like booze to help when you're having a crisis, right?

"I didn't say to raid my cabinet," Severus says from the doorway. He summons my bottle. Damn. "Okay, so they want you to go home for Christmas. Isn't that a good thing?"

"No, no it fucking isn't! DId you not read the other side!?" I rip the parchment out of his hands and start reading. "Draco, we would love it if you would find a suitable, Pureblood girl to marry instead of Mr. Nott. While he is a Pureblood, the two of you can not bear any children, and the Malfoy bloodline is not ending with you. If you can not by the end of the school year, your mother and I will find someone we approve of." 


"Arranged marriage! They want me to dump my boyfriend so I can marry some Pureblood girl! 'Oh, you can't have kids with a man so you aren't allowed to be happy'!"

"What do you want me to do?"


"What do you want to do? Why did you come to me? Just to rant, or do you want help?"

"I want you to write him a Howler or something! He won't listen to me! He didn't even acknowledge my relationship until this letter when I told him last year! And he'll only listen to you!" I exclaim. "That motherfucker doesn't know shit about me or you or anything but he at least trusts you so that has to count for something, doesn't it!?"

My dipshit father who doesn't know anything about me thinks I want to continue on his stupid bloodline and legacy!? He's neglected me my whole life! I couldn't care less if he dropped dead right now!

"I'll see what I can do, okay? You go do something that isn't drinking alcohol, Draco, because you don't want a hangover."

Well, yeah, but things seem a lot better than they are when you're drunk.

"Go on. I have a potion to finish."

Lets go do something. Anything, really. Thankfully, it's a Saturday, so I can do anything I want. 

"Hey, Dray!" Arms launch around me from behind. "What's got you in a mood."

"According to my brilliant father, I should dump you because we can't have kids together," I say.

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