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Authors note:

So I don't really even know if anyone is reading or enjoying this at all. But because it says sixteen of you are reading it I'm trying to upload a chapter to two chapters a day. Except today, I won't be able to finish part two of chapter two and I'm sorry. I had 8,000 words typed out and was about to publish and wattpad decided not to save it. I typed it on my computer and went to publish it on my phone and it was just no longer there. So I ran back to my computer and it wasn't on it either. Then my toddler pushed over my hardware and my pc crashed and shut down. I've been up since 5 this morning and I really need to take a break. I'm highly upset that all that work disappeared into thin air and I have no idea on how to go about getting it back. But i will try to have it and chapter three typed out for anyone who's following my little book tomorrow. Again, I'm sorry. For now leave a comment. Tell me something about yourself, or something you'd like to see included in unsettled. thankyou - star

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