Chapter 1

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"As the sun rose brightening up the day, the corners of your lips rose brightening up my life"

The camera flashed as the love birds stared at each other, lost in their gazes. Once the picture was taken and developed by the tiny polaroid, the couple approached the photographer to pay for it, always smiling and stealing glances at each other as if the other one would just disappear. Having paid for the picture, the couple left, and our photographer's un-beating heart felt a little alive watching the love emanate from them, and a sad smile graced their lips as they watched the retreating couple.

It had been at least a century since the last time they had someone they truly cared about, someone that made them feel alive...and at the end they weren't sure how much of it was worth it, because it ended in a shattered heart and a lifeless soul.

After at least a millennia of being in this world you'd think they were now accustomed to the loneliness that followed as the world moved forward and they stayed the same, watching everything change when they didn't, but no, it was still a very much strange feeling, specially knowing they were still the same as everything and everyone around them changed. That is why our photographer had decided to live on the move, watching everything and everyone, taking pictures of anything that caught their eye and of every moment worth capturing, and decades or centuries later going back again to take new pictures of the same place.

For this reason, they didn't have anywhere to call home. It wasn't really worth it when you haven't spent longer than a month in one place, at least not since a very long time, but that's not my story to tell. A sigh left their lips as they started to put away everything on a worn out leather bag with the initials M.L engraved on the bottom left corner, and dried paint staining it in some places as if someone had left brushes on top of it by mistake and quickly lifted them to try to clean it without any luck .

The day was losing light and the passersby were beginning to head home, but without a home to go back to, our photographer just hoisted up the leather bag on their shoulder and started walking towards the pier, to admire the last light of day disappear. The warm wind embraced them as they approached the pier and slumped down at the edge swinging their legs, a small smile playing on their lips as the colors of the sky changed and the sun went down letting the night take over with its own kind of beautiful. As the stars started to show, our photographer laid down with their legs still dangling over the water and hummed in content as the constellations they had memorized by heart started to show, the one thing that, so far, had stayed the same, the one thing that made them feel like the lack of change wasn't always all that bad, that sometimes it was even good; sure, not changing came with a lot of cons, like the lack of relationships due to the fact that they would find it a bit odd that as time passed by, not a hair turned gray or a wrinkle grazed their face, no, relationships were too complicated, even without the lack of change, life itself was cruel enough to make things gray.

You're probably wondering why they didn't just stay with their own, there had to be more like them right? And you'd be correct, but not agreeing with the way of life of their family and trying to change the way things worked, had gotten them outcasted at a very early age, leading to the decision of walking away from everything and live life of their own accord. And that is where they were now, after so many years, sticking to the same routine of traveling the world to see every place and how they changed, taking the same pictures at the same place only to compare them and wonder what had happened in between.

The sky started to get darker before it started to light up once again announcing a new day, and as the camera laid loosely on their hands and the colors of the world surrounding them started to get brighter as the sun shone on them, the memory of lying there with someone else filled their brain and tears filled their eyes as they let the memories play like a movie.

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