Chapter 5

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"You were my world, and ever since you've been gone, life is just a void not worth living"

By the time they were reaching their destination the sun had been blocked by a couple of clouds, but because it was summer the absence of sun didn't mean it had gotten colder, or that the intense heat was no longer there, the warm breeze made sure of that.

As they got closer, they couldn't help but regret their decision of adding this stop to the day. Their body slightly shaking with each step they took. Just like the other places, our photographer hadn't set foot there since ages ago.

When the top of the cathedral where our photographer was heading was finally in sight, it was already around 2pm, and the last couple of minutes until they finally reached the front of the building felt like they passed in a flash. A swarm of people were walking around it, taking pictures, going in and out of the cathedral and others were just sitting on the stairs that led to it.

Our photographer stared at the main towers admiring them and the whole building itself, loving how through time, even though many things change there were still places like these and the fountain that remained the same, making things a bit more exciting when traveling as it was an opportunity to see places that held some kind of meaning, like this one.

Just like how most of the day had gone, our photographer moved as if on autopilot towards the stairs where many tourists were and sat down deciding that that's where they would have lunch. The stairs were mainly shadowed by the big buildings around, so the stone they were made of hadn't been able to absorb much of the sun's heat, and in return it felt harder than usual due to its coldness, but because our photographer had been numbed by today's events and time itself it had no effect on them, it's as if they were one hundred percent impermeable to everything around them... well almost everything, as a very small specific detail was strong enough to break through and bring back memories our dear photographer tried to ignore because they hurt too much, always there gnawing at them from the back of their mind, like a rabid dog on a loose chain where with the right amount of tugs the chain would finally brake and the dog would be set free and wreak havoc on the people around it.

Memories are such a tricky thing, and they are something our photographer never figured out. They are not something you can manipulate with the wave of a hand, you can't really decide what memories will bring you joy and which ones pain, it doesn't work like that as much as we wished it did, even a happy memory can bring pain, because time has made that memory into a distant reality, and sometimes it hurts even more to have experienced true happiness and lose it, than never being truly happy at all. Fucked up? Yes, but that's life, I guess.

Our photographer took a couple of sandwiches and a bottle of water out of their bag and placed everything beside them, still staring at the people walking by, some alone, some with their partners and others as a family, all this, while still listening to the music at a high enough volume not to hear the chatter and footsteps of the people around, although being numb to the world and all, our photographer probably wouldn't be all that aware of the sounds around them even if the music wasn't there.

Opening the first sandwich they took a bite while staring at their surroundings, hoping to imprint this moment in their head, loving how everything seemed so tranquil and how everyone looked so...normal, when in reality so many of them could be having internal battles, or voices in their heads screaming about how they weren't enough, or maybe someone was planning the perfect proposal or thinking about all the lovely things they had planned for the coming days. In the end you can't really know a person by just staring at them or asking some questions, not everyone is what they physically show or what they say they are, and that's something that intrigued our photographer.

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