Chapter 2

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"You drank black coffee to balance the sweetness in your soul, I drank in your persona to balance the bitterness in mine "

The walk towards the coffee shop was mostly silent, only filled with the low music playing out of the photographer's earphones in a lame attempt to silence the thoughts running through their mind, slowly chipping away the will to go on, reminding them of what they once had...of what they had lost. With time it had only gotten worse, harder, people tend to say that time heals all wounds, but right now that sounded like utter bullshit, how would time be able to heal this, when time was the cause of hurting, if it weren't because of time our photographer might had just had a happy ending, but that's not something we'll ever truly know now, is it? So, how can time heal this when it's the cause of the suffering? After all it's not like we try to mend a cut with the same knife that made it.

The sun was bright and warm, and the breeze made the heat bearable and somewhat welcoming, each step taken was slow and steady... and free, as if the photographer had given in to the day. And they had, in a way; they had this day planned for a long time, and never had the nerve to go with it, scared it would cause an amount of pain they weren't ready for, but not today, today the pain would be embraced, this day had to happen at some point in life and when better than today?

Each step felt lighter and lighter and a sad smile graced our photographer's lips, a sad smile that portrayed so much hurt, the strangers that walked by and saw it felt a little broken by just a glimpse of it. That's one of our photographer's super powers, I guess, the feelings emanating from their body were just so contagious, you didn't need to know them to be affected by what they were feeling, and right now that sad smile was everything they could muster not to fall to the ground and shatter in a million pieces. The questioning stares our photographer received didn't go unnoticed, but they did go ignored, no one could possibly understand what this photographer was going through, and the smiling tourists, the giggling children and even the colorful buildings seemed to be mocking them, screaming at them at how the beauty and the happiness in the world hadn't disappeared for everyone, no, it was still there for everyone to see and enjoy, just not for our photographer to enjoy. It was as if after that day something had blinded them to everything that was good, and no matter how many times were tried, the world remained a dark and hurtful place, and everything good was just a reminder of how much they were hurting, every smiling couple, every bright colorful flower, every child's giggle was a punch to the gut, a bucket of ice cold water thrown at them to remind them that what gave color to their world was gone.

The coffee shop was finally in sight and our photographer sped up the pace, quickly reaching the small table at one of the outward corners of the small shop with two chairs facing the once mesmerizing view of the other small unique and colorful shops which were now one big boutique store.

The small coffee shop had just opened, so our photographer was the only costumer at the moment, meaning it didn't take long for someone to come and take their order, and as the waitress asked for the order a barely audible "one black coffee and one glass of warm sweet milk please" left the photographer's lips for the girl to scribble on her notebook.


"I still can't get over the fact that you drink your coffee black" the photographer shook their head with a small smile "You are the shiniest and happiest person I know, a bitter drink like coffee being your favorite drink just doesn't make sense"

The young artist just chuckled and took a sip of their steaming mug of coffee "I could say the same thing, you know" they retorted with a cheeky smile "How could your favorite drink be sweet warm milk? It's such a childlike and innocent beverage, it does not go much with your personality if I do say so myself". At this the photographer rolled their eyes and huffed in pretend annoyance, but couldn't really hide the small smile begging to adorn their face, happy with the fact that after only a couple of months this young artist already knew what their favorite beverage was and the basics of their personality. If you asked me, I'd say it was normal and even something to expect, but the heart tends to fill with bright colors even at the dullest of scenarios when it comes to feelings.

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