[𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫]: 𝟐

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"We're really sorry Cap, we were just so stressed out that we thought having a drink would y'know cool us down..." Libra gulped looking down.

Her along with Taurus and Sagittarius were in Capricorn's office. They had gotten drunk the night before instead of doing what they were instructed to do.

"Well I guess I can let it slide for now. Mini managed to find the culprit," she smirked.

Their eyes widen in surprise, smiles forming on their faces.

"Really?! That's great, but how? I thought she couldn't get access to the cameras?"

Capricorn nodded, "Yep that's true, but while you guys were having your... fun I found the idiots phone and I gave it to Mini so she could track it down and do whatever... a hacker does."

All 4 signs sat in silence for a solid minute, smiles still visible on their faces.

"...so who was it?" Taurus spoke breaking the silence, which wasn't awkward, but peaceful in a way.

Capricorn sighed, "It was some bastard named Corvus... he works for Ophiuchus. Mini tracked him down and got some of our men to capture and bring him in, we questioned him this morning. Apparently Ophiuchus's plan is to go after our gang and Astro to take us down-"

"he wants to become the most powerful gang so people fear him. I heard this has happened to Astro multiple times before and they're trying to figure something out. I'm not letting him get away with this. We're gonna do something. I don't know what but we are, for now let's just chill."

"Okay... but why is he taking our weapons and shit instead of I don't know... fighting us or something? Like what does taking our stuff have to do with him becoming 'powerful'?" Sagittarius questioned with a raised eyebrow.

Capricorn thought for second before responding, "Hm... I've never thought of that... I guess it's to make us 'weaker'? I'm not sure, but we'll discuss this more later on. You can go now, thank you for coming."

"Yeah," Sagittarius replied.

Taurus and Sagittarius left meanwhile Libra stayed back.

"I just wanted to let you know that I'm going out-"

"No, it's dangerous. Like I said you don't know what Ophiuchus could be planning."

"I'll take Sag with me, he's a good fighter. In case anything happens he could fight them off and I'll contact you immediately." Libra reassured.



Capricorn stared at her, her face blank. She knew even if she said no Libra wouldn't listen, she always does what she wants and gets what she wants.

Capricorn sighed and slightly nodded. "Fine."

"Thanks you're the best, love you!" Libra grinned, sprinting out of the office.


"The hell happened to you?"

"Men." Pisces replied, aggressively tapping on her phone screen.

Scorpio nodded, poking the inside of his cheek with his tongue. "So... what'd you do with him?"

"I killed him obviously- dammit! I died," she groaned.

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