Chapter 17: Clash! Takeru VS. Faker

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The fake Shadow pointed his MP5K at Takeru and Boom Sonic, ready to open fire.

Boom Sonic: Wait, what in the world!?
Takeru: Shoot, let's move!

Right before the fake Shadow shot the two, they started running. The bullets hit the ground instead. The fake Shadow jumped from the rock and chased after the two. Takeru, at around the same speed Boom Sonic was going, saw a path of obstacles his way. Eventually, after about four minutes, they were back to where they started. The Mobians at Green Isles noticed what was going on, but for some odd reason, just shrugged it off rather than attempting to help the trio. The fake Shadow aimed at Boom Sonic first, then pulled the trigger. Boom Sonic was able to dodge the bullets, using his speed alone. He ran up one of the houses, then spun into a ball and Homing-Attacked the fake Shadow. It stumbled backwards, but upon Boom Sonic landing, the faker headbutted him backwards.

Takeru rushed towards the impostor, and landed a couple of quick punches and kicks - but due to how fast they were, they had little to no effect and bounced off of the impostor's skin. He then attempted to sweep the imposter off his legs, but the imposter just hit him with the gun, without shooting. He had then attempted to run circles around it, creating a tornado - but that just made everything around the impostor, not the impostor itself, float into the spinning tornado. The faker shot at Takeru. While most of the shots were avoided, one hit his left arm.

Takeru: Augh! Have a taste of this!

Takeru then used his psychokinesis to launch the objects that were absorbed in the tornado towards the impostor. Once again, it flinched, but didn't make contact with the ground. The impostor jumped up and punted Takeru further into the air, then attempted to shoot Takeru. He dodged all the bullets and then proceeded to hit the ground. The whole time, Boom Sonic was charging up a Spin Dash - and once it was ready, while the impostor wasn't looking, he launched towards it, sending the impostor flying. It got up, but there was now a dent in its face - and a big one, at that.

The faker ran towards Takeru and Boom Sonic, ready to strike the both of them, but Takeru vaulted over him and proceeded to propel himself forward by kicking the faker into the dust. It seemed as if Takeru and Boom Sonic had gained a victory... however, when they let their guard down, the faker took it as a chance to beat up Boom Sonic. Takeru tried to get in the way to attack the faker, though he was swatted away like a fly. Eventually, the fake Shadow smacked Boom Sonic into the ground, therefore incapacitating him. Takeru ran over to Boom Sonic, to make sure he was okay... but, no response. However, he still seemed to have a pulse beating within him. He was not dead, but simply unconscious.

Takeru: No...! You're gonna pay for this!

Takeru then planted his feet, kneeled on one leg, and put both hands firmly on the ground... then looked up at the faker and blasted off, proceeding to go on the offensive against the fake Shadow. He then proceeded to spin-kick it, sending it flying into a charred house.

Takeru: Great...
Takeru: ...

The faker had been given more than enough time to recalibrate his sensors, however that didn't stop Takeru from smacking around the fake Shadow. It fought back after a few minutes, however, and in only 2 minutes, now both Takeru and the fake were in bad shape.

Takeru: You're one feisty one, aren'tcha?

The fake took out the MP5K and shot at Takeru, to which he dodged the shots and punched the faker in the face, making its head fly backwards, and then come back to headbutt Takeru, as if it were elastic. Takeru jumped upwards and proceeded to spin-kick the faker somewhere else, away from the houses. He then ran over to the faker, grabbed it and beat it up a bit more, until finally it got itself free and fired a Chaos Spear towards Takeru, to which he jumped on a wall and launched himself into the faker, and delivered a powerful punch towards said faker.

Though initially, it seemed like the fake Shadow was defeated, it mustered enough power in its systems to get back on its feet and begin calculating his next course of action.


The fake Shadow entered a new phase and was now pulsing from green to cyan. Takeru just looked in dismay, then retained his confident but winced look, taking up a stance after. Though, it became clear later that the fake was healing, slowly but surely. Right as Takeru started to rush at the fake Shadow, a fist just knocked it to the south-east of Takeru's direction. The shape of the fist was familiar; a glove, with two spikes applied where the glove's knuckles would be. Takeru looked in shock.

Takeru: Knuckles!? Shouldn't you be guarding the Master Emerald right now...?
Knuckles: Eggman still has it. I'll go after them, but it seems like you need help.
Takeru: Good call - the fake's not holding up too good. Are you ready, Knuckles?!

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