Chapter 18: Double Trouble

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Takeru: Doesn't look like the fake's holding up too good. Are you ready, Knuckles?!
Knuckles: As I'll ever be.
Fake Shadow: NEW TARGET FOUND: <Knuckles the Echidna>. OBJECTIVE: FOCUS ON AND DISPOSE OF <Takeru the Hedgehog>.

The fake Shadow, now with slightly recovered strength, proceeded to assault Takeru and Knuckles, to which one dodged and the other blocked. The faker managed to smack Knux sideways, making him stumble a few steps back. Takeru tried to punch the fake clone of Shadow, to which it was prepared to dodge. However, just as it seemed Tak was going to try punching it, he faked it and kicked it in the sides, making it fall to the ground. Knuckles charged at the fake and landed about 3 to 5 punches, before proceeding to uppercut it. Takeru jumped onto a wall and started rolling along it, and kicked the fake somewhere else, before landing on the ground.

Takeru: Phew.
Knuckles: Here it comes again!
Takeru: Don't worry, I'm ready.

The fake Shadow used the Chaos Control to get back to where Takeru was, and then fought with him for a measly two minutes, before the fake was planted into the ground. Knuckles dug into the ground, and uppercutted the fake, landing on the ground soon after. The fake recalibrated its targets and optimal power to use at one time. Then, it targeted Knuckles, got off the ground and then head-butted him a bit of a distance away from itself and Takeru.

Knuckles hopped back up, jumped onto a wall, and then kicked off, drilling into the fake's shell. While it didn't work as intended, it did, however, leave behind a big dent. It was then that the fake had one last trick up his sleeve: An all out beam blast!

Knuckles: Last ditch effort, huh?
Takeru: Heh!

The fake began to charge up energy. Takeru knew his attacks would not work while the fake was in this state, though he recklessly attacked anyways... to no avail. He then jumped backwards, and along with Knuckles, braced himself. The fake fired off the blast... and both dodged it, with Knuckles gliding onto a wall and Takeru front-flipping out of the attack's range. The blast ended up hitting the wall behind their previous position... and the fake was now vulnerable to attacks.

Takeru punched, kicked, and even made use of some nearby objects to bash the fake Shadow, before sweeping its legs, and then high-kicking it upwards. He then jumped back and charged up a spin-dash, then knocked into the fake with the spin-dash, conveniently hitting the core of the fake. Takeru came to a skid as the fake hit the ground with a hard thud. The LEDs meant to represent his eyes began to flicker violently, before they shut off completely, signifying that the fake was destroyed.

Takeru: Alright!
Knuckles: That was time-consuming...
Takeru: Thanks a lot. I've gotta get moving, though. You just make sure the Master Emerald's safe, alright?
Knuckles: I'm aware!

Knuckles flew off, with Takeru running southwest, possibly back to the inn.

Takeru: ...Wait - I'm forgetting something! Sonic!

Takeru then came to a skid, and went back the same way he was going to pick him up. By this time, Boom Sonic was still injured. Takeru picked up Boom Sonic, and then turned east, speeding his way towards Snake Village. It took him, at normal speed, 5 minutes to get there, but when he had, he told Trixie about what had happened prior to their arrival that led to Boom Sonic's condition. She understood pretty quickly, and had begun preparations to heal Boom Sonic, to which Takeru had given a thumbs up and sped off again, travelling from the wasteland, to Green Isles, and finally, taking a right turn back to the Majikoma Inn.

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