Chapter 22: Battle with Badniks/Eggman's New Plan

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Meanwhile, with Boom Sonic, all that he saw was... a lush green land, full of life. Boom Sonic was surprised. The view, simply put, was mesmerizing.  Animals had been running around, free as could be, no cares in the world. Plants were everywhere, growing slowly, there was a field of flowers, pure water, and of course, the benefit of other animals which are used to the kind of temperature here. This is the type of location that isn't seen anywhere else on the map; it was one of a kind... Untouched, unseen.

This was a sight Boom Sonic could look at for hours on end, but he hadn't had the time to do so. He had a task to do.

Although he enjoyed the view, he had to run past this area to get elsewhere. He found himself, once again, in the middle of a forest. The next thing he knew, a horde of robots was in his way again. The robots started targeting Boom Sonic and preparing for attack. Boom Sonic warmed up and just before he attacked them... the robots glowed a cyan-green color. They slowly hovered upwards... and then they were all thrown away in numerous different directions. Boom Sonic looked in confusion, he barely knew what happened at all. Then, Silver came down, from above, and landed in front of Boom Sonic. There, the two conversed for a brief period of time, to which Silver then ran off. Boom Sonic went southeast - opposite of Silver's direction - back to the Isles.

There, he found, once again, a set of robots. Though, there was MUCH less than before, which saved him a bit of time. He just did what he did best, and decimated them, one by one. The badniks tried to fight back, but it was no use. After beating the badniks and saving the animals, he looked around, still on his guard. He thought there was still more to smash. But, he would later come to find there wasn't anything more at all. The fleet had been eliminated.

Boom Sonic: Guess that's about it...

...There's not a nut, or bolt to be found, besides the ones littered on the grass. Boom Sonic sighed and just kept running, towards Scrap Brain.

Dusty Desert, 9:05AM

After returning to his base, with the Z.E.T.A. Metal Sonic in tow, he began repairing it first. Surprisingly, for once, Eggman *didn't* seem angry. During his process, he may have possibly been thinking about the attackers that destroyed the Badniks - while he didn't appreciate that, they at least gave him enough leeway to escape. Additionally, the fits of anger he had before, particularly when he suffered a defeat from Knuckles, felt slightly more forced than before. One could say this was the result of Takeru chasing him down at every pass; one of the points where that happened involved him completely losing it entirely.

He just grinned and continued repairing Z.E.T.A., but also made sure to switch out the dead parts for brand new ones. In the span of about 3 hours, Z.E.T.A. was repaired. Eggman didn't even bother to switch on Z.E.T.A. - yet. He still has another trick up his sleeve, though he needed to polish it up first, before actually putting it into motion.

Directly after repairing the other robots, he brainstormed on numerous occasions on which to execute the plan. Though... it didn't feel like anything was coming up at all. It was then that he decided to close up for now and actually head outside on foot. It was very, very hot, which was a given when it came to typical deserts. But Eggman still pushed forward. He thought that if he went far enough, he'd actually be able to find something useful; hopeful thinking, but would he actually get something out of it...?

Eventually, he made it to another place, secluded and far into the desert. It seemed like a tomb of sorts; which would also mean that booby traps were a given in this dimly-lit tomb. Eggman had been a little tired at this point, and stopped to take a breather; though after 5 minutes, he felt it was time to go.

The place was clearly ancient, as most rooms Eggman traveled were either completely caved in, or filled with spikes. One of them, just like in Takeru's case, had a room where the only things in the room were 5 ropes and a pit of lava! A few minutes passed, and despite the terrible journey, he found something valuable to not just him, but the world itself: a Chaos Emerald!

Eggman had taken it off of its dusty podium. However, upon doing so, the tomb began to crumble. With no second thoughts, he proceeded to run the opposite way he entered the room. It felt clear that he was worried he wouldn't make it before the place caved in on him. Though, by a hair, he managed to do so, falling onto his stomach and dropping the Emerald. He then looked at the Chaos Emerald that he had.

Eggman: Heeheheheh... Hoooohohohohoh! This will prove useful to my plans!

After obtaining the Chaos Emerald, Eggman began his way back to where his workshop to begin his experiment...

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