Chapter 20: Z.E.T.A. VS. Takeru!

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Green Isles, 7:20AM

Not long after Silver's (meaningful) lecture, Takeru thought it was a good idea to get some fresh air to take his mind off of what transpired. He had recovered somewhat, but that didn't mean he was okay to go yet. He was running up the slope in Green Isles, then stopped at the top to get a skyward view of the zone beneath him. He couldn't help but smile at the sight. Though... His fun didn't last long. Suddenly, Z.E.T.A. Metal Sonic, the robot Eggman had sent out not long ago, had detected Takeru and went on the offensive, catching him off guard and sending him crashing into the ground beneath him. After the attack, Takeru had shook his head and jumped back to his feet, facing the Z.E.T.A. Metal Sonic.

Takeru: What the...? Another Metal Sonic?

Z.E.T.A. launched itself at Takeru, and the two clashed once again. This time, Takeru countered with a kick, making Z.E.T.A. stumble back for a few seconds. That reaction time was all Takeru needed to follow up with a string of punches, with him ending with a headbutt. Z.E.T.A. had fallen to the ground, but it was not out of the count yet...

Due to the force behind the headbutt, Takeru stepped back and shook his head. It wasn't powerful enough for it to start bleeding, but it was certainly, given Z.E.T.A.'s state, enough to knock him to the ground.

Takeru: Nrrrgh. C'mon, is that it!?
Z.E.T.A.: ...

Takeru rushed towards Z.E.T.A., not even giving it time to recover... Or so it seemed. As soon as he raised his foot to stomp him, Z.E.T.A. took advantage and swept Takeru's other leg, before shooting him into a nearby wall. Takeru seemed shocked of what had just happened, and slid to the ground catching his breath. Just as it seemed Z.E.T.A. was about to get the upper hand against the injured Takeru, his gauntlets were glowing yellow, indicating that he was preparing a counter with his telekinesis. Z.E.T.A. revved its engines for an attack as well... but it was too late.

While Z.E.T.A. was still able to execute the attack, Takeru's telekinesis prevented the attack from connecting. Takeru then flung Z.E.T.A. into the ground, numerous times in different directions. He then lifted it up and bicycle-kicked it somewhere else. It was at this point that Eggman had arrived, having tracked Z.E.T.A.'s location.

Contrary to what he wanted to happen he got there, he had instead noticed Takeru, having managed to beat the metallic robot to an extent. In a fit of silent irritation, he sent out his army of Badniks to counteract Takeru, who was just in the middle of dealing the finishing move to Z.E.T.A. A simple noise from one of the aforementioned Badniks caught his attention, and he turned to see not only them, but Eggman too.

Takeru: Eggman...
Eggman: This is the end for you! I've pulled out all the stops for you this time, hedgehog!
Takeru: ...Eggman, c'mon now. You've said this numerous times. And every time you did, your plans always got thwarted. I want to ask you this: What's the difference this time, aside from the number of Badniks you sent out?
Eggman: Oh, please! Look at you, you're in no position to act tough after what Z.E.T.A. did to you! Now eat this!

Eggman snapped his fingers. Though, seemingly nothing was there... Takeru got tired of waiting at this point, so he just LAUNCHED himself at Eggman. However, a set of three missiles fired in his direction, which blew him backwards. The Badniks were poised to take action as well, to which Takeru got up and walked back into the scene, gripping his arm. He was about to do battle with Eggman once again... However, a surprise attack from the east side utterly obliterated the multitude of Badniks, who would've otherwise fought with Takeru.

Eggman & Takeru: What?

The same attack happened again, only this time, of a smaller quantity, and aimed for Takeru, who backflipped and twirled his way through the darts aimed at him. The speed of these darts were reminiscent of bullets...

Takeru: Sheesh!
Eggman: I don't know what's going on here... but I think I'll take this as my cue to leave.

Eggman, almost immediately, boarded his Egg Mobile and hovered over Z.E.T.A., picking up his metallic body and then proceeding to fly away. Takeru was slightly busy dodging some of the darts coming from every which way, though he had enough reaction time to notice Eggman getting away.

Takeru: Huh!? Oh no you don't, get back here!

...But as soon as Takeru began to give chase, some of the darts hit his other arm. Takeru flinched, and began to run off in the opposite direction. He was now more focused on the attackers than Eggman.

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