Eponine's Goodbye

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In your arms she fell

Burning like hell

Bullet’s brand in her back

Shows her love that you lack

She whispered

And do you know Monsieur Marius?

I believe I was a little in love

with you.

You hushed her breath

Afraid of impending death

Wiped the tear from her cheek

Begging her not to speak  

Wrapped in your arms

She showed her charms

Her eyes darted into yours

As the sky begins to pours

Her smile dropped

Her head flopped

Her heart popped

Death couldn’t be stopped

From a divine vow

You kissed her brow

Watched as she wilted in the air

Across men’s shoulders there

Whispered, “Eponine,

I never knew.”

I want to make something clear; this poem was written based off the book  NOT THE MOVIE/MUSICAL. 

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