Arthur and Hester

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We bloomed in nights concealing blanket

Flourished in the dark careless hours

Our mind locked away from reason and light

The smoke and endorphins encase our bodies

Paradise floating in our earthly midsts

Vision belt like waters cloudy perception

The beat pounding in our retrieving ears

We move our feet, swaying, to its dark trance

Forgetting the harsh world of reality

I tried to be your perfect beautiful girl

To make you laugh, to make you safe

See the happiness inside your clouded eyes

I spent hours trying to forgive you

Trying to forget your mis-happenings

Keep you King of my tremulous heart.

But you were Arthur and I was Hester

Pearl was barricaded in our feeble minds

Too scared to show her the judging light 

Too proud to whisper the proper feeling.

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