Chapter 1

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Our story begins with Spider-Man swinging on his web across New York City.
Narrator Peter: It's me, Peter Parker. Your friendly neighborhood... you know. I've come a long way from being the boy who was bit by a spider. Back then, nothing seemed to go right for me. Now...
Peter was looking at a big TV that showed Spider-Man swinging. Some kids were also watching.
Marilyn: Wow, look, it's Spider-Man!
Susie: Super cool!
Narrator Peter: ...people really like me.
The kids began to leave.
Peter: Hey, stick around! It's gonna start again in a couple minutes.
Tuesday: Yeah, that's okay.
Narrator Peter: The city is safe and sound. Guess I've had something to do with that. My uncle Ben would be proud. I still go to school, top of my class.
In college, he was in Dr. Connors' class.
Dr. Connors: Now, the Hamiltonian shows us that the energy levels are perturbed by the electric field. From the form of this matrix, we can see...?
One student raised her hand. Her name was Gwen Stacy.
Dr. Connors: Miss Stacy?
Gwen Stacy: That only the quantum states are affected.
Dr. Connors: Correct! Good work, Miss Stacy.
He smiled at the new girl, though he was blinded by a light from someone's pocket mirror. He covered his eyes with his hand.
Dr. Connors: Parker. You got something to add?
Peter: No, sir.
Later, he went to a jewelry store.
Narrator Peter: And I'm in love with the girl of my dreams.
He looked at a particular ring. Next to it, a sign read 'Layaway available.' He was in luck. That night, he went to the Broadway theater. With him were Team Powerpuff, the Louds, and Gizmo.
Peter: Hi. Um, Miss Watson left a ticket for me and my friends? Peter Parker and Team Powerpuff.
After getting a ticket, they got to their seats.
Lincoln: This is it, guys. We're seeing Mary Jane perform on Broadway.
Peter: I'm so nervous.
The curtains opened and up on stage was Mary Jane Watson herself.
Mary Jane: (sings) They say that falling is love is wonderful. It's wonderful, so they say.
Blossom: (to one guy in the audience) That's his girlfriend.
Mary Jane: (sings) And with the moon up above, it's wonderful. It's wonderful, so they tell me. I can't recall who said it. I know, I never read it. I only know they tell me that love is grand, and the thing that's known as romance is wonderful, wonderful in every way, so they say.
Everyone applauded. Among those in the audience was Harry Osborn. He was Peter's best friend, yet he felt bitter towards Peter after what happened to his father. After the show was over, Peter and the gang walked out of the theater and spotted Harry.
Peter: Harry? Harry! I need to talk to you. Explain things.
Harry: Tell it to my father. Raise him from the dead.
Peter: I'm your friend, Harry. I cared about your father.
Harry went to his car and left. Peter and the gang met with Mary Jane backstage.
Peter: M.J.
Mary Jane: Peter. Was I good?
Peter: Good? You were great. You were...
Mary Jane: You say great? I love my flowers. They're beautiful. And those are from Harry. Was he here tonight?
Alvin: Yeah, we ran into him outside.
Mary Jane: What's with you guys anyway?
Leonardo: It's complicated.
Mary Jane: Tell me again, was I really good? I was so nervous. My knees were shaking.
Peter: Your knees were fine.
Mary Jane: The applause was not very loud.
Lisa: It's due to the acoustics, Miss Watson. Diffusion, as they say. Keeps the sound waves from grouping.
Peter: That's right. You see, when the sound waves, they propagate, then it's like an...
Mary Jane: You are such a nerd.
Meanwhile, in the Osborn mansion, Harry got out of the lab, now having enhanced abilities and one goal in mind: get revenge on Peter. That night, Peter and Mary Jane were lying under the starry star. Actually, they were lying on a web.
Peter: Did you see that one?
Mary Jane: You know what? I'd like to sing on stage for the rest of my life with you in the first row.
Peter: I'll be there.
Mary Jane: Tell me you love me.
Peter: I love you. I love you so much. I always have.
The two kissed romantically, but little did they know, a small meteorite landed right in the park. In that rock was a black ooze coming out of it. Peter and Mary Jane got on the bike.
Peter: Ready?
Mary Jane: Yep.
The ooze got onto the bike as it drove off. In another part of New York, a crook was running away from the law. He hid in the shadows as a police car drove by. When the car was gone, he snuck into an apartment, where he was in a little girl's room. The little girl was sick and sleeping in bed. He put some envelopes under her pillow. He then got into the kitchen, but the lights were on. This apartment was where the man used to live, and the lights were turned on by his wife. The man was Flint Marko, a family man turned convict.
Mrs. Marko: You can't hide here, Flint.
Flint Marko: I'm just here to see my daughter.
Mrs. Marko: You are an escaped convict. The cops are looking for you. You're not getting near her. You're nothing but a common thief. You maybe even killed a man.
Flint Marko: It wasn't even like that. Wasn't. I had good reason for what I was doing. And that's the truth.
Mrs. Marko: You and the truth, sitting in prison, having three meals a day together.
Flint Marko: I live in a prison. It's a great truth.
Mrs. Marko: And that is the truth that you left behind. Right there in that bedroom.
That same little girl was his daughter, Penny. The man came to her bed.
Flint Marko: I missed you.
Penny: I missed you too, Daddy.
Flint Marko: I promise I'll make you healthy again. Whatever it takes. I'll get the money.
Mrs. Marko: You get out of here. Now.
Flint began to climb out the window.
Flint Marko: I'm not a bad person. Just had bad luck.
And so, he left. He can no longer see his daughter again, but he promised he'll find a way to cure her sickness. Back with Peter, he was on his bike with the gang since M.J.'s at home. He stopped by to see Aunt May in her home.
Bubbles: Don't worry, Peter. We'll wait right here for you.
He knocked on the door and Aunt May opened it.
May: Peter, what is it?
Peter: It's M.J... I'm gonna ask her to marry me!
May: Oh, Peter! Oh! (hugs Peter) The day that uncle Ben asked me to marry him, he was so scared and excited. And very young. And I loved him so fiercely.
Peter: Then you said yes, right?
May: No. I wanted to say yes, but I said no. I wasn't ready, neither was he. So we took our time. Looked forward to it. Didn't want to run into something with nothing to count on but love. A man has to be understanding and put his wife before himself. Can you do that, Peter?
Peter: Yeah. I think I can.
May: Then you have my blessing. I hope you've considered a proper proposal. Your uncle had it all planned. He took me to the beach one Sunday. He was a knockout in his bathing suit. And I, I didn't look too bad myself. We were very good swimmers. It was a beautiful day, and he said: "Let's swim to the island." And at the island, we found a perfect spot by an old tree, and we lay down and looked up at the sky. And then he said, "Close your eyes, May." And I did. And then he said, "Open them." And I did. And he was holding this ring. (shows Peter her ring) Dazzling, in front of me. I thought it was the sun. We'd be married 50 years come August... if... So. I hope you make it very special for Mary Jane. Do something she'll never forget. Give her this. (holds out the ring) Come on. Take it.
He took the ring and hugged his aunt. Moments later, he got back on his bike and drove.
Peter: Guys, I've got great news.
Garfield: Are we having free pizza?
Buttercup: Get real, Garfield.
Peter: I'm getting married.
Lori: Of course! Mary Jane's finally warmed up to you.
Leni: Surely, she won't refuse now that you know how to balance your life.
Luan: And have a balanced breakfast. (giggles but only hears cricket chirps) Sheesh. Tough crowd.
Lincoln: And perhaps we may be the guests of honor to your wedding. (to Gizmo) Wouldn't it be nice, buddy?
The small mogwai nodded in agreement.
Lalamon: Yoshi, I'm picking up readings from the vicinity of the city.
Yoshino: What is it?
Lalamon: Something's that heading your way right now.
Suddenly, they were all picked up by a man flying on a glider. Peter and the man traded punches while in the air. The man grabbed Peter by the head and used his arm blades to cut Peter. He threw him off, but Peter swung on his web and fired web balls at him. Unfortunately, they missed the man and the man cut off the web, sending Peter to fall and then hit him against a wall.
Sonic: Hey, man! We were having a wonderful night till you showed up!
Tails: Who do you think you are?
The man removed his mask to reveal him as....
Peter: Harry.
Harry: You knew this was coming, Pete.
He was about to punch him, but Peter got out of the way.
Peter: Listen to me! I didn't kill your father! He was trying to kill me. He killed himself.
Harry: Shut up!
He pulled down the wall with Peter still on it. The webslinger got off, but he was hit constantly by the vengeful Harry. He hit him against some buildings and threw him through a window. Midair, Peter reached out his hands for the ring Aunt May gave him, but Harry took him before he could grab it. On the glider, Peter flung him off, only for the glider to follow Harry and let him back on. He foiled Peter's second attempt to grab the ring, or so he thought. Peter got the ring just in the nick of time. He swung away as his former friend chased after him through an alleyway.
Harry: I'm still here, Peter!
He got out a sword and tried to strike Peter, but he missed. Harry got out some pumpkin boomerangs and threw one at Peter.
Peter: Hate those things.
Harry threw six more at Peter, who avoided them and later stopped them with his web balls. He then webbed a boomerang and threw it at Harry, which exploded. He was still alive, only to trip over Peter's web and fall down to the ground. Peter and the gang got down to the unconscious Harry.
Peter: Harry? Harry? Harry!
Leni: Is he dead?
The man opened Harry's suit and pushed down on his chest. Harry wouldn't wake up.
Peter: Oh my God. Harry! Come on! God!
Tails: We'll have to get him to a nearby hospital.
At the hospital, the doctors were defibrillating Harry. There was no response, but they kept on trying. Peter and his friends looked on as it happened.
Lori: Oh, no. Harry's against us now. And we had to do that.
Blossom: I know it was bad, but.... (sighs)
At the police station...
Man: Captain Stacy.
Captain Stacy: What's this?
Man: Flint Marko, the guy we tied to the Ben Parker homicide. (shows him the pictures)
Captain Stacy: What about him?
Man: He just broke out of Rikers.
Captain Stacy: And?
Man: He's on the run. He's in the marshlands. I think we got him.
In the marshlands, Flint Marko was chased by the police.
SMG4 Policeman: There he is!
He ran as fast as he could when he came across a fence. A dog got on him, but he tossed it off in defense and climbed up the fence.
Policeman: You two, take the west side. Tommy, take the east.
Unfortunately, he went over the fence of a Particle Physics Test Facility. He fell down below.
Policeman 2: Where'd he go?
He rolled down and landed on some sand until a beam of light shines on Marko as Scientists are preparing to test the particles of sand.
Scientist: Donnie, we got a little fluctuation on 1.
Don: There's a change in the silicon mass.
Wildcat Worker: It's probably a bird. It'll fly away when we fire it up.
Worker: Initiating demoleculisation.
The machine was turned on and it spun around, creating a sandstorm with Flint inside it. As this happened, the particles in his body began to break down, resulting in the convict dissolving into sand. The police got through the fence and sees Marko gone. Nothing but sand. Back at the hospital, the doctor came to Peter and the gang.
Lola: How is he?
Doctor Mario: He's gonna be OK. But there's been some-a memory impairment. Particularly his short-term memory. Right now, he can't remember the accident or anything that happened to him recently.
Lana: Is it permanent?
Doctor Mario: It could be. Only time will tell. He's awake if you want to see him.
Peter: Maybe we should wait.
Doctor Mario: Nah, it's fine. Just keep it brief. I want him to rest while I'm on my spaghetti break.
They went into his room.
Harry: Hey, buddy.
Peter: Hey.
Harry: Hit my head.
Peter: Yeah.
Harry: Doctor said I was in an accident. Hit and run. I don't remember much of anything. My father... he died, right? This is all so weird. What happened to me?
Lincoln: You, uh,... got hit by a train?
Mary Jane entered the room.
Mary Jane: Hi. I got here as fast as I could.
Harry: I know that face.
Mary Jane: How are you doing?
Harry: I don't know. Last thing I remember, I was falling... somewhere.
Mary Jane: You're still fine. We love you, Harry.
Harry: It feels like... somehow I've been gone for a really long time. Now I'm back home.
Peter: It's good to have you back.
Nurse: I'm sorry, I'm gonna have to ask you guys to scoot, OK?
Peter: Okay.
Nurse: All right, thank you.
Harry: Well, I'll see you tomorrow.
Peter: Yeah. Great.
Mary Jane: Get some sleep.
They left the room.
Mary Jane: I think he's gonna be fine.
Peter: I think so.
Mary Jane: And you guys seem great.
Peter: Yeah.
In the room...
Nurse: You have lovely friends.
Harry: My best friends. I'd give my life for them.
The next morning, in the facility, sand began to move. A figure rose out of the sand and it was Flint Marko. He looked at a locket close to him and grabbed it. In the locket was a picture of his daughter, Penny. He held onto it as he moved out of the facility. From that day on, he became known as... the Sandman.

The Powerpuff Girls Meet Spider-Man 3 Where stories live. Discover now