Chapter 2

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In his apartment, Peter looked at his reservation card at a restaurant called 'Restaurant Constellation' when he heard a knock on the door.
Peter: Yeah?
Mary Jane: It's me.
Peter: Oh! Hey!
Mary Jane: You know I can't open the door.
Peter: It's stuck again?
Mary Jane: Come on and help me.
Peter: I'm coming.
He opened the door to Mary Jane, who had a grave look on her face. In her hand was a review of her performance in the play, Manhattan Memories.
Peter: Hey.
Mary Jane: The review.
Peter: Oh!
Mary Jane: They hated it. They hated me.
Peter: Well, they can't hate you.
Mary Jane: "The young Miss Watson is a pretty girl... Easy on the eyes, but not on the ears. "Her small voice didn't carry past the first row."
Peter: That's ridiculous. I was right there.
Mary Jane: You were in the first row.
Peter: Yeah, but that's... Listen. You were great. That's a critic. This is something you're gonna have to get used to. Believe me, I know. Spider-Man gets attacked all the time.
Mary Jane: This isn't about you. It's about me. It's about my career.
Peter: I know, and I'm just saying, you can't let it bring you down. You just gotta believe in yourself. You pull yourself together, and you get right back on the horse.
Mary Jane: Don't give me the horse thing. Try to understand how I feel. It's just... I look at these words, and it's like my father wrote them.
Walkie Talkie: All cars. All cars in the vicinity of 54th and 6th Ave, please report. Crane out of control. Approach with caution.
Peter: "Go get 'em, tiger?" I'm sorry.
He got on his Spider-Man costume and left the building. As Mary Jane leaves the room, the black ooze crawled around quietly. Out in the city...
Policeman: Oh my God. 7-Adam to central. That crane you sent us on? It's bigger than we thought. We're gonna need a major mobilization right away.
The crane was out of control, and the worker tried to push the button to stop it to no avail.
BasicallyDoWrk Worker: Shut it down at the generator. Now!
On a building, Gwen Stacy was in a photoshoot.
Vanoss Photographer: ALRRRIGHT, Gwen. I've got a secret. It's my copier.
He was taking pictures of her when he noticed the crane.
Vanoss Photographer: What the hell is that thing doing in my background?
The girder the crane was holding broke through some windows, sending debris down on the streets. The police entered the scene.
Policeman 2: Captain Stacey, the guys look out of shot of it. They can't shut down the crane.
Captain Stacy: Get Edison on the phone. Have them kill the power of the whole block.
In the building, Gwen and the people there were alright.
Gwen: Are you alright?
Vanoss Photographer: It's coming back!
The crane came back, breaking the support beams from under the floor Gwen was on. She was hanging for her dear life. Down below, a news photographer was taking pictures.
News Photographer: Oh my God. It's Gwen!
Captain Stacy: What? (looks through his camera) What's she doing up there?
News Photographer: I don't know. I just saw her last night. She said she had a modeling gig.
Captain Stacy: Who are you?
News Photographer: It's Brock, sir. Eddie Brock, Jr. I work at the Daily Bugle. And I'm dating your daughter.
A desk slid out of the building and Gwen was now hanging outside the building. Spider-Man swung by as she fell from the building. He flew down and saved the girl from falling to her doom.
Spider-Man: You okay?
Gwen Stacy: Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you.
Eddie Brock: Hey, Spidey, hold on. Bugle needs a photo. (to Gwen) Thank God you're okay. (to Spider-Man) Hey. I'm the new guy.
Spider-Man: New guy?
Eddie Brock: From now on, I'm gonna be taking shots of you for the Bugle. So smile. Are you smiling? Just kidding.
Spider-Man: They got a guy. Along with his friends.
Eddie Brock: Peter Parker and the Powerpuff Girls? Um. Yeah, um, look, between you and me... The guy's kind of an amateur. Have you noticed, his stuff makes you look a little... bloated. Just a little chunky.
Spider-Man: Okay. (leaves)
Eddie Brock: But you don't have to worry about that anymore, buddy.
At the Daily Bugle...
J. Jonah Jameson: Dazzle me.
Hoffman: (puts some catchphrase ideas on a whiteboard) Just a little something the boys in the ad department and I whipped up. As you know, circulation of the Bugle has been pretty good. Though not as good as the New York Times or the Daily News or the Post or several other smaller...
J. Jonah Jameson: Get on with it, moron!
The buzzer rang.
J. Jonah Jameson: What?
Betty: Your blood pressure, Mr Jameson. Your wife told me to tell you to watch the anger.
J. Jonah Jameson: You tell my wife... Thank you.
Hoffman: So, I propose this campaign: "DAILY BUGLE" -- that's obvious. "IT'S HIP, IT'S NOW" -- I came up with that one. "IT'S WOW" -- that's actually Eric's. "AND HOW!" -- that's me again.
The buzzer rang again.
Betty: Time to take your pills.
The boss went for a bottle of pills, but the buzzer rang.
Betty: Not that one.
He tried for another, the buzzer rang.
Betty: Not that one.
He points to a smaller bottle of pills and Betty nodded. He picked up the bottle and was about to take one, but the buzzer rang.
Betty: Drink plenty of water.
J. Jonah Jameson: Thank you. (to Hoffman) Continue.
Eddie Brock came to the Daily Bugle.
Betty: He's busy.
Eddie Brock: I'm just here to talk to you, beautiful.
Betty: What's that smell?
Eddie Brock: That's a little something called "Nice 'n' Easy." What's on you?
Betty: It's called "Go Away."
By then, the discussion for catchphrase ideas was finished.
J. Jonah Jameson: Get out! That is the dumbest idea you've ever had. You have had some doozies.
Betty: Blood pressure. (to Eddie Brock) Hey, where are you going?
The newcomer entered the office.
J. Jonah Jameson: Who are you?
Robbie: You hired him last week. Freelance.
J. Jonah Jameson: I did? What's that smell?
Eddie Brock: It's Brock, sir. Edward Brock Jr. Wow, I really like that shirt. Here. (brings him the pictures) It's a crane accident. Check out the light source.
J. Jonah Jameson: He likes my shirt.
Peter entered the Daily Bugle building.
Peter: Hey, Betty.
Betty: Hey, Pete. You better get in there. A new guy. He's trying to sell some Spidey photos.
Peter: Oh. Thanks.
He entered the office.
J. Jonah Jameson: Parker! You're late! Maybe too late. Bruckner here beat ya to it.
Eddie Brock: It's Brock, sir. Edward Brock Jr.
Peter: But I got you this.
J. Jonah Jameson: But he got me this.
Eddie Brock: How'd you get that? I didn't see you. How'd you get that high?
Peter: Climbed. Nearly fell off a flagpole.
Eddie Brock: A flagpole?
Robbie: Which one do we use?
J. Jonah Jameson: I like Bernstein's.
Robbie: It's better.
J. Jonah Jameson: Cheaper too. (to Eddie Brock) Congratulations, son. We'll use your shot and pay you 50 bucks.
Eddie Brock: Uh, alright, JJ. I'm your man. I know more about what makes a good picture than any photographer in this town. See, photography, it's not just about, no offense, flagpoles. Whatever. It's about lighting. Composition. Drama. I want a staff job, sir. I have a girl that I intend to marry, and-- I have this stupid little dream of.. working with one of the greatest newspaper editors of our time. J. Jonah Jameson.
J. Jonah Jameson: Well, we do have an opening. Johnson quit, remember?
Robbie: You fired him.
J. Jonah Jameson: Whatever.
Peter: Wait a minute. I know what makes a good picture, and I've been here for a long time. If there's a staff job, Mr. Jameson, I think I deserve it.
Robbie: He's right, Jonah. Peter's been with us for years. He's done a great job.
J. Jonah Jameson: You want a staff job, and you want a staff job. Anybody care about what I want?
Hoffman: I do.
J. Jonah Jameson: Shut up. Get out. I want the public to see Spider-Man for the two-bit criminal he really is. He's a fake. He's full of stickum. Catch him in the act. "Spider-Man with his hand in the cookie jar". Whoever brings me that photo gets the job. What are you waiting for, Chinese New Year? Go, go, go!
Eddie Brock: I'm on it, boss.
The two photographers left the office.
Peter: You'll never get that shot.
Eddie Brock: Oh, we'll see.
Peter was out in New York, minding his own business. As he looked at the news sign, one person came next to him.
Stan Lee: You know, I guess one person can make a difference. 'Nuff said.
As the man left, Peter saw the news that Spider-Man was going to receive the key to the city. At the Osborn mansion, Harry returned home.
Bernard: Welcome home, Harry. (hugs Harry) Thank God you're alright.
Harry: Thanks, Bernard.
Peter: Bernard?
Bernard: Sure.
Peter: (gets out a basketball) Got you a little homecoming present.
Harry: Wha-- It's your old ball!
Peter: Yeah.
Harry: Thanks, buddy. We were pretty good in the backyard, weren't we?
Peter: We were terrible. And we tried out for the varsity team.
Harry: Yeah, for the cheerleaders.
Peter: Right.
Harry: Hey, do I have any girlfriends?
Peter: I don't know.
Harry: You don't? (to Bernard) Hey Bernard, do I have any girlfriends?
Bernard: Not that I know of, sir.
Harry: (to Peter) It's a pretty cool pad, huh?
Peter: It's okay.
Harry: Looks like I'm not hurting for money.
Peter: No.
Harry: Well, I bet I can turn this little girlfriend thing around. (thinks about his father) You know, he always appreciated how you helped me through high school. I just wish I could remember more about him.
Peter: He loved you. That's the main thing. Hey, let's watch the game in the kitchen. Get something to eat.
Harry: Okay.
Peter: Heads up.
He throws him the basketball and Harry grabs it.
Harry: Did you see that?
Peter: Still got the moves.
Harry: Yeah.
Elsewhere, Mary Jane went to her theater, where she finds a different woman in her place. Everyone stopped when they noticed her.
Manager: Why are you stopping? What is she doing here?
Stagehand: Well, Gary was supposed to call her agent.
Manager: Hi, honey. We tried to reach you. I'm sorry.
Mary Jane: One critic?
Stagehand: No, all the papers, dear.
Manager: Mary Jane, honey. Sit down. Let's explain it to you.
Stagehand: If you like, we could say you became ill.
The girl sadly left the theater.
Stagehand: That was so poorly handled.
Manager: Yeah. Let's just rehearse.
As she left, she can see people applauding when Spider-Man passed by swinging on his web. The next day, there was a festival made to honor Spider-Man. Among those in the crowd was Eddie Brock, who was talking to Gwen Stacy.
Eddie Brock: Excuse me, miss. Let me see that gorgeous smile.
Gwen Stacy: Hi, Eddie.
Eddie Brock: You're so beautiful. This is front page stuff.
Gwen Stacy: I've got to practice. I'll see you later, OK?
Eddie Brock: How about tonight?
Gwen Stacy: Not tonight.
Eddie Brock: Why not? Think of that amazing night that we had.
Gwen Stacy: We had a coffee, Eddie.
Peter was in the festival, taking pictures of Mary Jane.
Peter: Hey, beautiful. (takes a picture of her) One more.
He took another picture and noticed Mary Jane's frown.
Peter: Everything okay?
Mary Jane: Yeah, I'm fine.
Peter: You're not still mad at me, are you?
Mary Jane: No, Peter. I'm proud of you.
Peter: Hey. I'm gonna be swingin' it from over there. So you know where to look.
Mary Jane: Give them a good show.
Peter: Don't worry about that review. We're gonna be laughing about it tomorrow night. Promise.
Mary Jane: Yeah.
Peter left to get ready for his appearance as Spider-Man. Meanwhile, on top of a building, Mojo and Eggman were keeping their eyes peeled for someone the mysterious woman told them to meet up with.
Dr. Eggman: Any luck, Mojo?
Mojo Jojo: No. Still no someone.
Dr. Eggman: If she had told us what he looks like, we would've spotted him quicker.
Mojo Jojo: She just wants to surprise us, that's all. Never know who it might.
Down on the streets, the Sandman was walking around.
Cop: Isn't that that guy from that prison break?
Cop 2: He fits.
Cop: Hey, you. Halt!
He ran as the cops chased after him.
Cop: Cover the back!
One cop checked a truck carrying sand to look for the fugitive. With a shovel in his hand, he was about to dig when a sand hand threw him off. From out of the sand was a big Sandman.
Cop 3: Fire!
They shot at him, but the bullets only made him attack them. He flew off in the city in a sandstorm. By this point, Mojo and Eggman saw it all.
Mojo Jojo: I think we found our guy.
At the festival...
Gwen Stacy: (on speaker) People of the city of New York, I am here today because I fell 62 stories and someone caught me. Someone who never asks for anything in return. Someone who doesn't even want us to know who he is.
Harry went to see Mary Jane.
Harry: Hey, M.J.
Mary Jane: Harry.
Harry: Hey. Where's Pete?
Mary Jane: Um, taking somebody's picture, I guess.
Harry: Right.
Mary Jane: I'm so happy to see you. You look so good, Harry.
Harry: I've never felt better. It's a weird feeling, not knowing New York. Bump on the head, I'm just free as a bird.
Mary Jane: Will you bump me on the head?
Harry: (softly bumps M.J.'s head) Bop. Hey, Pete said you're in a play.
Mary Jane: You came. You sent me flowers.
Harry: I did? I'll come again tonight.
Mary Jane: You can't. I was let go.
Harry: What happened?
Mary Jane: I wasn't very good.
Harry: You know, this is embarrassing, but... I once wrote you a play in high school.
Mary Jane: You wrote me a play?
Harry: Yeah.
Mary Jane: Harry, that's the sweetest thing.
Gwen Stacy: (on speaker) I ask you: When you're dropping without a parachute or your store's being robbed or your house is on fire, who is it that breaks your fall, puts out the flames and saves your children?
Crowd: Spider-Man!
Peter: (watching from above) They love me.
Gwen Stacy: (on speaker) Then let's hear it! For your one and only friendly neighborhood... Spider-Man!
The band plays the theme of Spider Man as he swings above the crowd.
Spider-Man: Hey, what's up? How are you doing? Shazam! Hey, guys. Hey there. Hi.
He hung from the crowbar as he was face-to-face with Gwen Stacy.
Crowd: Kiss him! Kiss him!
Spider-Man: Go ahead, lay it right on me.
Gwen Stacy: Really?
Spider-Man: Yeah, they'll love it.
Gwen Stacy: Alright.
She kissed him and everyone cheered. Everyone but Mary Jane who looked a bit peeved about what she just saw.
Harry: Hope Pete's getting a shot of this. Hey, are you OK?
Mary Jane: Yes, I'm fine.
Just then, they saw a sandstorm fly by as it heads towards a bank truck.
Lincoln: Hey guys, I'm back from my bathroom break. What'd I miss?
Garfield: A chance to go to the beach.
Lincoln: Huh? (Sees the sandstorm) Oh.
It went for the truck and tore a hole on the top of it. The Sandman began gathering money, unaware that Spider-Man and Team Powerpuff were on his trail. The heroes got in the truck.
Raphael: Jig's up, pal.
Sandman: I don't want to hurt you. Leave now.
Spider-Man: I guess you haven't heard? I'm the sheriff 'round these parts.
Sandman: Okay.
He tries to punch him, but Spider-Man avoided them. The webslinger punched him in the gut, discovering that his opponent is made of sand.
Spider-Man: Uh oh.
Using his sand fist, he punched him out of the truck, but the hero used a web and part of a door to hold on. He surfed across the streets and got on top of the truck. He swiped the Sandman's feet off, but the Sandman struck back at him. He had no time to continue as the truck was heading for another.
Buttercup: You go on ahead, Spidey. We'll try to stop him.
The Girls used their weapons against the Sandman, but like Spider-Man, they were beaten pretty quickly. Spider-Man got the two drivers out of the truck as it hit the other. The two drivers were attached to a web as Spider-Man and his friends left the scene. On top of a building, Spider-Man and the Girls were getting sand of their shoes.
Blossom: Who was that guy?
Buttercup: I don't know, but he beat us up rather easily.
Bubbles: He's made of sand, that's for sure.
Spider-Man: Can't believe we got away with the loot.
Buttercup: You and us all, Spidey. You and us all.
That night, Peter heads to Restaurant Constellation to show the ring to M.J.
French Maitre d: Bonsoir. Le monsieur a-t-il un "reservation"?
Peter: Sorry, I don't speak...
French Maitre d: But this is a French restaurant, non?
Peter: Oui.
French Maitre d: Name please?
Peter: Parker, Peter.
French Maitre d: Ah. Here we are. Table for two. Pekar.
Peter: Parker.
French Maitre d: That is what I said. Pekar.
Peter: Um, I have a request. My girlfriend will be coming, and I have this ring. (gets out the ring)
French Maitre d: (checks the ring) Ah. Oh, so you want to pop the question tonight, hein?
Peter: Yes, and I want to do something very special.
French Maitre d: I love it. Romance. I am French.
Peter: When I signal you, if you'd bring some champagne with the ring...
French Maitre d: In ze bottom of her glass?
Peter: Perfect.
French Maitre d: Magnifique.
Peter: Also I thought, at the same time could the musicians play this song? (gets out a paper with the song request)
French Maitre d: Their favorite.
Peter: And take good care of the ring.
French Maitre d: Ah oui, with my life, monsieur. S'il vous plat.
Peter: Oui.
French Maitre d: I like you.
He shows him to his seat.
French Maitre d: "Bon" chance. (leaves)
Peter: Bonne chance. (starts practicing his engagement proposition) OK, so... How would you like some champagne? How'd that get in there? Aw, don't cry. (sees Mary Jane entering) Look at you, wow! Beautiful.
Mary Jane: Thanks. This place in your budget?
Peter: Oh, it's a special occasion. You're on Broadway.
Mary Jane: I don't feel much like a star tonight.
Peter: Well, you are a star. And you've earned it.
Mary Jane: Peter, you have no idea how I feel right now.
Peter: Oh no, I know exactly how you feel. Listen. I have been through this. Happens to me all the time. I see Spider-Man posters in the window. Kids running around with me on their sweaters. Big Hallowe'en item. I don't know, I guess I've become something of an icon. Like yesterday. They keep screaming: "Spider-Man! Spider-Man!" I don't know, I mean, I'm thinking to myself, "I'm just a nerdy kid from Queens. Do I deserve this?"
Also entering the restaurant was Gwen Stacy, a student from Peter's class.
Gwen Stacy: Hi, Pete.
Peter: Hi.
Gwen Stacy: Hi. My parents and I are just having dinner here. (to Mary Jane) Hello, I'm Gwen Stacy.
Peter: This is Mary Jane Watson.
Gwen Stacy: Oh, it's so nice to finally meet you. Pete talks about you all the time.
Peter: Gwen is my lab partner in Dr Connor's class.
Gwen Stacy: Pete's something of a genius. I'd be completely lost without him. Which actually reminds me... Pete, if you got a picture of my kiss with Spider-Man, could you bring it to class? I'd really love it. For my portfolio. After all, who gets kissed by Spider-Man, right?
Mary Jane: I can't imagine.
Gwen Stacy: Well, it was lovely to meet you. Good night. (leaves)
Peter: Good night. (to Mary Jane) Uh, she's in my science class. It's not her best subject. What?
Mary Jane: How come you never mentioned her? She's your lab partner, you saved her life, she thinks you're a genius and she had her polished fingernails all over you? Or didn't you notice? And she gave Spider-Man the key to the city. I'll never forget that.
Peter: She's just a girl in my class.
Mary Jane: Let me ask you something. When you kissed her, who was kissing her? Spider-Man or Peter?
Peter: What do you mean?
Mary Jane: That was our kiss. Why would you do that? You must have known how it made me feel. Do you want to push me away?
Peter: Push you away? Why would I want to push you away? I love you. You're my girlfriend. She's a girl in my class, M.J.
Mary Jane: I don't feel very well. I'm sorry. I have to go.
Peter: Where are you going?
Mary Jane: Please don't follow me.
She left the restaurant just seconds before the maitre d put the glass of champagne on the table. Peter was alone, with only the engagement ring and uneasiness. She was upset that he kissed Gwen Stacy during the festival that day. The next day...
Mary Jane: (voice recording) Hi, it's M.J. Sing a song at the beep. Beep!
Peter: (on phone) Hello. Uh... I wish you'd pick up the phone. I don't know what's going on. I don't know if you got the messages, or what. But... I just want to talk to you. OK. Call me, all right? (hangs up)
Lola: So it didn't go so well last night?
Peter: No. Ever since that kiss with Gwen, she's been upset at me.
Buttercup: As if Sandman beating us up wasn't bad enough.
Lisa: It's quite peculiar to see a man composed of sand in New York.
Lincoln: Yeah. The Green Goblin and Doc Ock were cupcakes compared to him.
Lisa: Remind me not to use his name, Lincoln.
Lincoln: which one?
Lisa: The one after you said the green goblin.
Lincoln: You mean Doc Ock?
Lisa: (shocked and faints)
Lincoln: Didn't see that coming.
Lori: (her phone rings) I'll get it. (answers it) Yes? What? I'll tell them right now. Thank you. (hangs up)
Lincoln: What is it, Lori?
Lori: Remember that crook from the wrestling office?
Luna: What are you getting at, dude?
Lori: He wasn't alone that day.

The Powerpuff Girls Meet Spider-Man 3 Where stories live. Discover now