Chapter 3

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At the police station...
Captain Stacy: Originally we thought that this man, Dennis Carradine, was your husband's killer. We were wrong.
May: What?
Captain Stacy: Turns out Mr Carradine was only an accomplice. The actual killer is still at large.
Peter: What are you talking about?
Captain Stacy: This is the man who killed your husband. (shows May a picture of Flint Marko) His name is Flint Marko. He's a small-time crook who's been in and out of prison.
Peter: You got this wrong.
Captain Stacy: Two days ago, he escaped. Evidently, he confessed his guilt to a cellmate. And we have a couple of witnesses who corroborate the story.
Peter began to remember Uncle Ben's death. In the flashback, the man was getting his car stolen by Flint Marko.
Ben: (flashback) No, wait, sir. You don't want to do this.
His accomplice, Dennis, got in with the stolen money.
Dennis: (flashback) Hey, get in! What are you doing?
A tear streamed down Peter's cheek as he imagines Uncle Ben getting shot by his true killer.
May: Would you put these photos away, please?
Captain Stacy: I'm sorry, Mrs Parker. I know this isn't easy, but please be patient with us. We're doing our job. We will catch him.
Peter: No, you're not doing your job. I watched my uncle die. We chased down the wrong man. Now you're telling me there's suspicions for two years? Witnesses? Why weren't we told about this?
Captain Stacy: Settle down, sir.
Peter: No, I have no intention of settling down! This man killed my uncle, and he's still out there!
He stormed out of the police department. In his apartment....
Walkie Talkie: L-20 Parkway, all officers in the vicinity please report. We have an abandoned vehicle and an elderly man in the middle of the street. Sorry, Wabash Avenue.
There was knocking on the door.
Mary Jane: Peter, it's MJ. I'm not here about what happened at dinner. Just please open up.
Peter opened the door for her to come.
Mary Jane: Aunt May called me. She told me about what happened. She's worried about you. I'm worried about you.
Peter: Don't be. I'm fine.
Mary Jane: I don't want you to do something stupid.
Peter: Like try to find my uncle's killer?
Mary Jane: And do something you'll regret. Like... with that other guy.
Peter: He had a gun on me. I made a move, and he fell. I told you that.
Mary Jane: I'm not accusing you of anything.
Walkie Talkie: 10-22, auto at 566, 9th Avenue...
Mary Jane: Will you turn that thing off?
He turned down the walkie talkie.
Mary Jane: Peter, I'm here because I care about you. And I know that you made a mistake and that you feel guilty, but... I want to be here for you.
Peter: Okay. I get it. Thank you. But, uh, I'm fine. I don't need your help.
Mary Jane: Everybody needs help sometimes, Peter. Even Spider-Man. (leaves)
Peter went to bed in Spider-Man costume, thinking about the day of his uncle's death. He didn't know that something was sticking onto him. The black goo from the meteorite latched onto him as he remembered the time he found Dennis in a warehouse.
Dennis: (flashback) Don't hurt me! Just give me a chance!
Peter: (flashback) What about my uncle? Did you give him a chance? Did you?
By the time he opened his eyes, it was too late. The black goo had covered him. There was darkness.
Peter: Where am I?
He woke up and saw himself as Spider-Man, but his costume was black.
Peter: What is this? I feel... Wow. This feels good.
He jumped and swung through the city in his new black suit. He came to the top of a building.
Peter: (takes off his mask) This is something else.
Leni: Peter? Is that you?
Peter: Yeah.
Lincoln: What are you wearing?
Peter: I don't know. Looks like my costume but... different.
Lana: How did it get a complete image makeover?
Gizmo looked at the new costume in wonder, yet fear. Something was up about it.
Tails: You know, I think Gizmo has a point. We don't know where it came from.
Leonardo: We better get a sample of it to Dr. Connors. Maybe he might know what it is.
So, they got a sample of it and brought it to Dr. Connors.
Bubbles: What do you think?
Dr. Connors: I've never seen anything like it. I'm a physicist, not a biologist, but... I'll look at it in the morning, run some tests.
Peter: Can we do that now?
The ooze came towards Peter, but Lisa uses a glass to trap it.
Dr. Connors: It seems to like you. Don't let any of that get on you.
Peter: Why not?
Dr. Connors: It has the characteristics of a symbiote, which needs to bond to a host to survive. And sometimes, these things in nature, when they bind, they can be hard to unbind.
The gang got back to the apartment.
Yoshino: That symbiote must've affected your costume, making you stronger. But you can't use it, Peter. Who knows what it can do to you?
Lincoln: Well, so far it didn't do anything other than latch onto him. He'll be fine.
Walkie Talkie: Bank robbery in progress, First Eastern Bank Bismarck. Another sand storm is reported in the vicinity. All cars, proceed with caution.
Peter: Marko.
He went to the closet to grab his old costume, but stopped for a moment. He looked down at a box and opened it. Inside was the black costume. Lincoln thought what Peter was thinking.
Lincoln: It must be done. For Uncle Ben.
Lana: Hoo boy, is he thinking what Peter's thinking?
Odie: (barks in response)
Spider-Man went out in the city, with his friends close behind. When he arrived, the bank was already robbed.
Lincoln: Too late. He got away. (sees the sand trailing through a sewer lid) But not for long.
Spider-Man opened up the sewer lid. Eddie Brock sees this as a chance for pictures.
Eddie Brock: Buddy, love the new outfit. This is exactly what I need to scoop, partner. Give me some of that web action.
He was taking some pictures when Spider-Man used his web to grab the camera and destroy it.
Spider-Man: See you, chump.
He and the others went down.
Eddie Brock: What the hell?!
He got out a spare camera and took some pictures. Down in the sewers, the Sandman was walking around, unaware that a vengeful Spider-Man was sneaking behind him. The criminal turned around to see a hanging Spider-Man.
Spider-Man: Flint Marko.
He throws a punch, but Spider-Man avoided it.
Sandman: What do you want from me?
Spider-Man: Remember Ben Parker? The old man you shot down in cold blood?!
Sandman: What does it matter to you anyway?
Spider-Man: Everything!
He swung in the air and hit him across the sewers. He swung again, but the Sandman kicked him onto some train tracks. The webslinger got out of the way before it could hit him. He swung from the other side and hit the Sandman against the train. He scraped him against the train, making half of his head still living.
Spider-Man: It's time to pay, Marko!
They continued fighting until they fall down into the ground as Flint Marko fell into the puddle of water causing his right arm to turn into mud. This gives Spider-Man an idea from Marko as his weakness to water. He was about to kick Marko but instead he kicked a pipe and pulled it open, sending water down the bad guy, reducing him to mud.
Spider-Man: Good riddance.
They left the sewer.
Lincoln: I thought he'd never lose.
Luna: I haven't seen that side of you since the wrestling contest.
Lincoln: At least he got what he deserved.
Lola: Lincoln, you've been the only one on Peter's side about the new suit. That symbi-whatzit just made him beat up the Sandman.
Lisa: Symbiote, Lola? And yes, the rest of us are concerned about it.
Lincoln: Don't be. With that new suit, it'll be smooth sailing from now on.
They got back to the apartment, with Peter sporting an emo hair.
Mr. Ditkovich: Rent.
Peter: Not now.
Mr. Ditkovich: Listen, it's a free country. It's not a rent-free country.
Peter was trying to open the door to his room.
Peter: Leave me alone.
Mr. Ditkovich: Give me rent.
Peter: You'll get your rent when you fix this damn door!
He went to his room.
Ursula: That wasn't cool.
Mr. Ditkovich: He is good boy. He must be in some kind of trouble.
In his room, Peter looked at himself in the mirror. Whatever the suit did, it made Peter... different. Lashing out at his landlord? Actually getting rid of the Sandman? And looking like an emo? He took it off and put it back in the box. Later, he went to see Aunt May.
Peter: Flint Marko, the man who killed uncle Ben.. he was killed last night.
May: Oh, my. What happened?
Peter: Spider-Man killed him.
May: I don't understand. Spider-Man doesn't kill people. What happened?
Peter: I... He was... I thought that you'd feel... He deserved it, didn't he?
May: I don't think it's for us to say whether a person deserves to live or die.
Peter: Aunt May, he killed uncle Ben.
May: Uncle Ben meant the world to us. But he wouldn't want us living one second with revenge in our hearts. It's like a poison. It can take you over. Before you know it, it turn us into something ugly.
Meanwhile, Mary Jane sat on a bench and called Harry.
Harry: (on phone) Hello?
Mary Jane: (on phone) Hey, Harry, it's M.J.
Harry: (on phone) Hi.
Mary Jane: (on phone) I need some company. Are you doing anything? Can I stop by?
Harry: (on phone) Yeah, sure. Come on over.
Mary Jane: (on phone) OK. Are you sure it's OK?
Harry: (on phone) No, I'm not doing anything. Please, come over.
Mary Jane: (on phone) OK, I'll see you soon.
Harry: (on phone) Great.
Mary Jane: (on phone) Bye. (hangs up)
Harry: Bernard?
Bernard: Yes, Mr. Osborn?
Harry: We're having a guest. Can you get some food?
Bernard: A guest?
Harry: Yeah, a guest.
Bernard: A guest guest?
Harry: Will you just get some food?
Bernard: Right away, sir.
Back in Peter's apartment, he saw Mr. Ditkovich.
Peter: Hey, Mr Ditkovich.
Mr. Ditkovich: An orange?
Peter: No, thanks. Listen, I'm really sorry for what happened earlier. I shouldn't have yelled about that door. It was nothing to be angry about.
Mr. Ditkovich: Ah, it's not big deal. But if you feel that bad about it, you can buy me pizza some time. Today's good.
Peter: Okay.
Mr. Ditkovich: Have problem with the phone?
Peter: No, no, I was just.. was trying to figure out what to say.
Mr. Ditkovich: If it's a woman you're calling, then you say: "You're a good woman, "I'm good man."
Ursula: Hi, Pete.
Peter: Hi.
Mr. Ditkovich: He's calling a woman.
Ursula: Are you calling Mary Jane? I think that would be so good...
Mr. Ditkovich: It's none of your business. Go! Go. (to Peter) Give her a call.
Ursula: (to Peter) You should call.
Peter: Thanks.
Ursula: Bye.
Peter: Bye.
The guest at Harry's mansion just so happens to be Mary Jane.
Harry: Hi. You hungry?
Mary Jane: Yeah.
Harry: Come in.
They were in the kitchen, making food.
Harry: Hope you like peppers.
Mary Jane: I love 'em.
He cooked as they listened to 'Do the Twist.'
Harry: No, please.
M.J. insisted, and so, they both danced to the music.
Mary Jane: Oh, the butter!
They continued their cooking on food.
Mary Jane: Beautiful.
Harry: Check this out.
He flipped the batter, and parts of it fell out.
Mary Jane: Well, we can use that part.
After cooking, they read the script for the play Harry wrote.
Harry: "You've been dreaming."
Mary Jane: "Nothing like a little self-deception to get you through the night."
Harry: All right.
Mary Jane: When did you write that?
Harry: Twelfth grade.
Mary Jane: It's intense.
Harry: So you want the part?
Mary Jane: I'd love to be in your play.
Harry: It's yours.
Mary Jane: You know, there's not even a scar. Barely.
The two leaned in and kissed.
Mary Jane: Sorry.
Harry: Me too.
Mary Jane: I didn't mean to do that.
Harry: No, it's OK. Please, forgive me.
She was leaving the mansion.
Harry: Mary Jane. Mary Jane. Mary Jane, please!
Mary Jane: I'm sorry.
She left, and Harry was alone for the night. He began to hear a familiar voice.
???: You've taken your eye off the ball.
He looked up at the picture of his deceased father. He began to remember what happened to him.
Harry: (flashback) What have you done?
Spirit Norman: (flashback) Avenge me!
It came to full circle what Harry remembered before he conked.
Harry: (flashback) My father.. he died, right?
Peter: (flashback) Yeah.
Harry: (flashback) Just wish that I could remember more about him.
Peter: (flashback) Well, he loved you. That's the main thing.
He then thought back to the promise he made to his father.
Harry: (flashback) I swear on my father's grave: Spider-Man will pay.
???: Harry.
The young man looked at the mirror. In the reflection was his father.
Spirit Norman: Remember me?
Harry: Yes, father. I remember.
Spirit Norman: I was right about her, about Peter, about everything. You know what you must do. Make him suffer. Make him wish he were dead. First, we attack his heart.
In M.J.'s apartment, Mary Jane got back to her room.
Mary Jane: (voice recording) Hi, it's me. Sing your song at the beep.
Peter: (voice recording) It's Peter. I want to talk to you about last night. I don't know what I was thinking. I know you were just there to help, and-- I, uh-- I don't know, I want to see you.
As she came to her phone, someone grabbed her by the throat and held her up. It was Harry in his New Goblin attire, glider and all.
Harry: If you want Peter to live, you're gonna do something for me.
The next morning, Ursula knocked on Peter's door.
Peter: Yeah?
Ursula: It's Ursula.
Peter: Come in.
She entered his room.
Ursula: Hi, Pete.
Peter: Hi.
Ursula: There's a phone call for you. It's Mary Jane, she called back!
Peter: Really?
Ursula: Yeah. I put the phone on top of the thing.
Peter: Thanks. Okay. (gets on phone) Hey.
Mary Jane: (on phone) Hi.
Peter: (on phone) I was so glad you called. I've been trying to..
Mary Jane: (on phone) Can you meet me?
Peter: (on phone) You bet.
Mary Jane: (on phone) Now?
Peter: (on phone) Okay. Where?
Mary Jane: (on phone) At the bridge in the park.
Peter: (on phone) On my way. Hey. I love you. (hangs up)
At the park, he had a bouquet of peonies in his hand as he met Mary Jane.
Peter: You look beautiful. Peonies. You OK?
Mary Jane: No. There's something I have to tell you, Pete.
Peter: Okay.
Mary Jane: It's not working. You and me.
Peter: What?
Mary Jane: I don't want to see you anymore.
Peter: What are you talking about?
Mary Jane: I don't know. I'm lonely. You aren't there for me. I can't do this. It's over.
Peter: No. Please. Please don't say that. I know, I've been selfish. But I can do better. I can change.
Mary Jane: It's not that simple. We love each other! I love you! And we have problems. When people have problems, they work it out. They talk to each other.
Peter: (gets out the ring) Look, you see? You know what this is? You know what I want for us?
Mary Jane: There's someone else. I've fallen in love with someone else.
She left. Unknown to Peter, she had to, for Harry threatened her to. It was hard for her, and it pained for her to do it to Peter.
Harry: Bravo.
At the coffee shop, Peter was talking to Harry.
Peter: She says that she's lonely, and that I'm not there for her. There's another guy.
Harry: How are you holding up?
Peter: Not good. Harry, I was going to propose to her.
Harry: Really? She's been going through a tough time lately. Career. I mean, a singing waitress at a jazz club-- that's not exactly what she had in mind for herself.
Peter: A singing waitress? What are you talking about?
Harry: She was fired from the show. Didn't she tell you?
Peter: She was fired? She was fired and she told you? She didn't tell me?
Harry: That's why I asked you here, Pete. I'm the other guy.
Peter: What?
Harry: Look, she came to me one afternoon, troubled. She needed someone, and I was there for her. I've always loved her, Pete. You know that. It just... started.
Peter was in disbelief from what his old friend said.
Peter: I don't believe this. I don't believe you.
Harry: I'm really sorry. I just thought you should know.
Peter left the coffee stop.
Waitress: Can I warm you up?
Harry: Yes, please.
Waitress: How's the pie?
Harry: So good.
Outside, Peter watched as Harry winked at him. As a truck passed by, he vanished. His best friend was acting different lately. In his room, he felt betrayed by his friend and girlfriend. His head was clouded with dark thoughts.
Luna: That's harsh, bro. Harry picking up your chick after she left you... again.
Donatello: From what he said to you, he's acting very different lately.
Theodore: That's not like him to say things to Peter like that.
He looked at the box containing the black suit.
Lincoln: You know what? Maybe Peter can teach him a lesson.
Leni: Lincoln, you can't!
Lincoln: If the suit helped him take down the Sandman, it will help him give Harry a stern talking-to.
Lucy: That costume has done something to you and Peter, and it isn't good.
Bubbles: Lucy's right, and we're not going to hurt another person.
Lincoln: Fine. Then Peter and I will take care of it ourselves.
That night, Peter and Lincoln went to Harry's room.
Harry: So good. Would you like a drink? I'm sorry. What was I thinking? Bad for the public image, right, Mr. Key-to-the-city? And you brought the little kid, too.
Lincoln: What did you do to Peter's girl, Harry?
Harry: I did what Peter failed to do. I was there for her. Mary Jane and I, we understand each other. She doesn't know what you are. Peter. She knows me very well. And when she kissed me, it was just like she used to kiss me. That taste. Strawberries.
Peter threw some punches at him when he was stabbed by Harry's dagger. The former then noticed the latter's arm blades and avoided them. He stuck the blades to a pillar and hit them off Harry's arm. Harry then threw him across a table.
Harry: How d'ya like that, Spidey?
Peter got back up.
Peter: That all you got?
Lincoln: Go get him, Peter!
The two fought, and Peter kicks him through a window.
Peter: Stings, doesn't it?
Harry: I protected you in high school. Now I'm gonna kick your little ass.
The two fought until they reach the lab. Harry used a small sword to try to cut him, but Peter dodged and it cut the rope of the glider, sending it flying out of control.
Lincoln: Look out!
Peter avoided the glider and held Harry up, making him get hit by the glider.
Harry: You gonna kill me like you killed my father?
Peter: I'm done trying to convince you.
Harry: You took him from me. He loved me.
Lincoln: Okay, Peter. He's heard enough. Let's just go.
But what Lincoln heard Peter told Harry threw him off.
Peter: No, he despised you. You were an embarrassment for him. Look at that little Goblin junior. Gonna cry?
Lincoln: (shaken) Peter? What are you doing?
Harry was about to attack, but Peter punched him. Harry threw a pumpkin bomb at Peter, but the man dodged and web-sling it back to Harry, making it blow up part of his face. Lincoln was horrified by this.
Lincoln: (to himself) The girls were right. He is different, and I had to root for him back at the sewers. I can't believe I actually wanted him to be like this. Part of it is my fault.
Peter came to Lincoln, but the boy began to back away.
Lincoln: (scared) Peter, stay away.
Peter: What do you mean?
Lincoln: Just leave me alone.
He left the building, with Peter wondering what's with Lincoln.

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